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Series against Aussies, a make or break one - Schaffter
The Daily News - 30 July 1999

Newly appointed manager Chandra Schaffter said that he was in favour of blooding newcomers in the Sri Lanka team provided they are good enough to fit the shoes of those whom they replace.

``I think we have made the mistake of keeping some of the promising players out for too long. I think they find it difficult to fit in because we have been continuing to play older players,'' said Schaffter.

``If the newcomers play in one match and are dropped in the next, you cannot expect miracles from them. There should be some continuity and they should be given a fair chance to prove themselves.

``I think it is upto the selectors to decide on policies for the future. If the seniors keep on failing the selectors must make a change. So lets hope the selectors come up with the right answers,'' he said.

Schaffter said one of his initial tasks would be to ensure the players are comfortable mentally than physically and, to help them lift their morale which at the moment is at a very low ebb.

``I think in those areas I can make a fairly significant contribution,'' he said.

``Discipline is important in whatever you do and certainly in cricket. However, I have never found it a problem in managing cricket teams because I think the players take the cue from the manager. I have never found discipline a problem at all and I don't think there will be this time,'' said Schaffter, who has managed national teams to India in 1982 and England in 1991.

As manager Schaffter said that he would not allow anybody into the dressing rooms other than the players and those who should be inside it.

``I have made it clear to the chairman of selectors and the chairman of the interim committee that I will not allow anybody inside the dressing room because I think that is a private place.

``The other thing that I will insist is that the players should conform to discipline as agreed by those responsible for it. At the same time I think the players at this level are mature enough to understand this is their living and they should also be treated like grown ups. I don't think they need a nursemaid or a watch dog. To that extent they must be free to act as they think fit, but there are certain basics which they have to adopt,'' said Schaffter.

He said the series against Australia was in a way, a make or break one for Sri Lanka because ``our cricket is presently in a crisis both administratively and cricketwise''.

``We are in court as far as the administration is concerned and all this has affected our cricket very much and I think for that reason, the Australian tour is very crucial for us,'' said Schaffter.

He said he hoped the return of Dav Whatmore as coach of the national team would certainly boost the team morale and that they will perform better.

Source: The Daily News