
Wessels undecided on convener post
Trevor Chesterfield - 27 July 1999

Johannesburg (South Africa) - Former South Africa captain Kepler Wessels is undecided whether he wants to make himself available as convener of the next national selection panel and has asked for more time to think over the option.

Wessels, who already has two ``irons'' in the media cauldron with a weekly newspaper column and his role as a television comments expert, is to let the United Cricket Board know on Friday is he wants to have his name placed on the list of candidates applying for the post.

A man with firm convictions and critical of selection policy in his newspaper column Wessels emerged as a late nomination for the selection panel with the post of convener to be filled by the successful applicant, Dr Ali Bacher, the UCB's managing director said yesterday. A committee of four is to hear the views of the candidates before making a decision of who is to step into the vacancy left by the retirement of Peter Pollock.

The committee to interview the candidates is made up of Ray White (president), Percy Sonn (vice-president), John Blair and Dr Bacher. The candidates are Clive Rice, Rushdie Majiet, Morris Garda and Mike Procter. What is interesting is that Wessels and Rice have hardly talked to one another since the 1992 World Cup and it should one or the other get the post they could have some tough views and thoughts on selection policy. Rice has similar views to Wessels.

Dr Bacher said committees had selected the now retired coach Bob Woolmer and his replacement Graham Ford for their positions. It was felt there was nothing wrong in interviewing the candidates as they would give a clear indication of their views and thoughts of where South African team selection would be heading.

The UCB, it appears, has no problem with a member of the selection committee filling a dual role as Allan Border is an Australian selector and has a weekly newspaper column as well a TV slot. Procter is also involved in doing TV commentary slots.

Whether the UCB are prepared to interview Rice telephonically from England, where he is handling Nottinghamshire's director of coaching job or fly him to South Africa for the interview is another matter.

``I can say that the UCB are more than happy that (Kepler) Wessels has made himself available as a selector,'' Dr Bacher said.

He had been on holiday in Mauritius had recently returned to South Africa which is why his name did not appear on the initial the nomination list. It was put forward when the board voted at the weekend. The sixth selector is Gerald Majola, who like Wessels, will be on the panel for the first time.