
African cricket academy planned for Uganda
Tony Munro - 6 March 1999

The Africa Cricket Association has revealed the proposed establishment of an ACA Cricket Academy to be based in Kampala, ACA President, Mr. Peter Chingoka, made the surprise announcement at the conclusion of last Sunday's ACA meeting held in Nairobi.

Details are sketchy, but the proposal was announced after ICC Development Manager, Mr. Ross Turner, reportedly viewed the Uganda Cricket Association's schools development programme and was particularly impressed with the UCA's mini-cricket programme.

The Executive Committee of the ACA backed Mr Turner's endorsement for ICC funding to be channeled into the Academy, which will be based at the UCA's headquarters at the Lugogo Stadium in Kampala. All of this is apparently subject to the blessing of ICC Development Director, Dr Ali Bacher.

Uganda was elevated to ICC Associate status last year, chiefly due to the level of indigenous participation.

Test Teams South Africa.
Non-Test Teams Uganda.