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Inter-League preview
Lancashire Evening Telegraph - 31 May 1999

Peter Sleep was set to turn out again for Rishton this afternoon, as substitute professional in their inter-League knockout cup game against Crompton at Blackburn Road.

The Old Trafford second team coach and Read professional agreed to step in for Kiwi Paul Wiseman, who picked up a groin injury yesterday.

Enfield's last round batting heroes, skipper Andy Barker and professional Dave Saker, were facing another tall order as they attempted to lead the EW Cartons Lancashire League club into the quarter finals.

Both scored a century as Heywood were overcome in the first round but Enfield's reward was a dubious one - a second round trip to Rochdale, one of the Central Lancashire League's more formidable sides.

The Lancashire League had the edge in today's line-up, with nine representatives in the 16 remaining clubs.

That meant two being paired together, with Todmorden at home to Nelson.

Source: The Lancashire Evening Telegraph