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ECC Representative Festival: Finland Cricket Association
Andrew Armitage - 18 August 2000

For the first time ever Finland will be officially represented in an "official" cricket tournament.

The squad of 14 players consists of three natural Finns, two Finnish passport holders and nine ICC residents. I will have the honour of captaining the team made up of players selected from across the clubs in Finland - one each from Vantaa CC, Turku CC and Tampere CC, five from Stadi and six from Helsinki.

The FCA has set its sights on developing its National XI from one year to the next and will certainly be looking to increase the number of Finns when given the opportunity to participate in other tournaments as a full ICC Affiliate Member in future.

Right now, in Vienna in August, we are all looking forward to meeting other international opposition, to testing ourselves against other teams at differing stages of development and to making more friends through the great game.

Our thanks once again to the ECDO and the Development Program for giving us the opportunity.


Finnish Team.

Finnish Cricket Association Contacts

Finnish Cricket Association Committee
Chairman: Hannu Kalkas
040-7588987; hannu.kalkas@kolumbus.fi

Secretary: Andrew Armitage
040-0298266; andy.armitage@kolumbus.fi

Fred Sumelius

Indran Samarakoon

Club Contacts:
Chairman: Hugh Fitzpatrick
040-8315143; hugh.fitzpatrick@kolumbus.fi
Captain: Andrew Armitage as above

Chairman: Fred Sumelius as above
Sunny Sood 040-5447817

Captain: Martin Brink
040-5492315; martin.brink@pp.inet.fi
Chairman: Tim Glogan
040-5791701; tim.glogan@icenet.fi

Indran Samarakoon
as above; oy.finland@camex.fi

Ryland Gibbs-Harris
040-5768563; ryland.gibbs-harris@richardlewis.fi

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Teams Finland.
Tournaments ECC Representative Festival

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