
Cricket in the East Asia-Pacific region
Tony Munro - 20 February 2000

Cricket in the East Asia-Pacific region is taking a huge step forward this weekend (Feburary 18-20) with delegates from 10 countries assembling in Auckland for an historic conference.

Hosted by the International Cricket Council as part of its development programme, officials from Associate members, Fiji, Papua-New Guinea and Hong Kong; Affiliate members, Brunei, Japan and Vanuatu and countries with 'New Territories' status - Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga, New Caledonia, Philippines, South Korea and China are attending the first ever gathering of officials from national associations in the region.

ICC East Asia-Pacific Development Officer, Mr. Andrew Eade, said the cost of the conference would prevent it becoming an annual event. The ICC is paying all travel and accomodation expenses.

'Beyond The Test World' will bring you a full report on the meeting in the next edition, however, the main purpose of the get-together was expected to be discussion of mutual concerns.

Mr. Andrew Eade, the conference convenor, listed the following as its objectives:

* To create a shared vision of cricket development for the region.

* To fully familiarise all countries with the ICC Development Program and it’s reporting and funding requirements

* To discuss development initiatives and determine the best way to deliver them to the region

* To discuss international tournament and tour structures and put in place an organised program for the next five years

* To discuss Strategic Planning and formulate a draft plan for each country for Year 2000

* To provide a meeting forum for the representatives of countries throughout the region to discuss mutual problems and potential solutions

* To encourage delegates to continue in their efforts to promote cricket and thank them for their efforts thus far.

© 2000 CricInfo Ltd

Non-Test Teams Brunei, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Hong Kong, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu.
Players/Umpires Andrew Eade.

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Date-stamped : 09 Aug2000 - 06:05