Somerset invite all girls to watch the England Women's Test match and enjoy free cricket coaching next week
Richard Walsh - 6 August 2002

Somerset County Cricket Club are inviting all girls in the south west region to go along to the County Ground in Taunton next week to watch the England Women play and at the same time enjoy some free coaching.

Somerset host the four day Women's Test Match against India starting at the County Ground next Wednesday, and all youngsters, both boys and girls up to the age of sixteen will get free admission.

In addition all girls who attend on the first three days of the match will have the opportunity to enjoy a free coaching session, and those up to the age of twelve will be able to take part in a Kwik Cricket competition out on the pitch at lunchtime.

Somerset Cricket Development Officer Andrew Moulding told me: "We are already doing good development work with women's cricket in the county, and this year we have had an Under11's Girls Kwik Cricket competition and our newly formed Under 15's side has done very well reaching the final stages of the ECB national competition. We have also got Somerset player Laura Harper in the England squad, and it is likely that she will play in the match next week."

Mr Moulding continued: "This is an opportunity for more girls to get involved, to watch top level cricket and get a taster of the game for themselves."

He concluded: "Jackie Summers, who is the Women's Cricket Development Officer for the south west region will also be present on the first three days actively encouraging the girls who are here to take join in."

There has already been a good response to the invitation from girls across the region, but Mr Moulding would like to hear from any individual girl or groups who are intending to come along to the match so that he knows how many to expect, and how many coaches to organise. The Centre of Excellence telephone number is 01823 352266.

Play gets underway on each of the days at 11am, and entry is free to Somerset members and £3 to all other adults who attend.


First Class Teams Somerset.
Tours India Women in England
Grounds County Ground, Taunton