Win prizes for performances thanks to Cricket World Received Press Release - 18 June 2002
Has someone in your club done well? Has there been an outstanding performance on the field, not only in the first XI but in the thirds or fourths, in the midweek side or within the colts league players? If so, then Cricket World magazine want to hear from you as they launch the Club and Youth Awards 2002 in their recent edition. SENIOR AWARDS Each month, Cricket World will present cricket equipment to the value of £200 for the most outstanding performance in club cricket. It may be the highest innings, a ten-wicket haul or an exceptional fielding performance. Whatever it is, Cricket World want to know about it.
In addition, there will be prizes at the end of the season for:- Performance submitting forms are available via the Cricket World web-site at www.cricketworld.com via the club link. YOUTH AWARDS Each month, Cricket World will present Cricket Equipment to the value of £100 for the most outstanding performance in youth cricket. It may be the highest innings, a ten-wicket haul, an exceptional fielding performance. Whatever it is, Cricket World want to know about it! Please send or e-mail top performances and if possible a photo. Each entrant will receive a signed certificate to mark their achievement.
In addition, there will be prizes at the end of the season for:- Forms available at www.cricketworld.com via the youth link. © Cricket World
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