National selectors have contracts extended
New Zealand Cricket - 21 June 2002

New Zealand Cricket has confirmed its national selection panel of Sir Richard Hadlee (chairman), Ross Dykes and Brian McKechnie have had their contracts extended until the end of May 2003.

This will take the selection panel through the World Cup in South Africa during February and March 2003, and the tour of Sri Lanka in April and May 2003.

The contracts were originally due to expire on July 1, 2002. The previous practice has been to offer contracts for a two-year period.

New Zealand Cricket operations manager John Reid said the extension of the current contract was designed so that in future contract cycles would fall into the middle of the period between World Cups.

"In terms of supporting the TelstraClear Black Caps' World Cup planning and strategy there is obviously sound reasoning behind wanting to ensure the opportunity for change is at a time reasonably spaced between World Cups.

"The selection panel is one of the key ingredients in the strategic approach to World Cups and New Zealand Cricket believes this change to their contract period will benefit future planning," Reid said.

© New Zealand Cricket

Teams New Zealand.
Players/Umpires Sir Richard Hadlee, Ross Dykes, Brian McKechnie, John Reid.