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Fleming surgery successful
Victorian Cricket Association - 1 March 2002

Bushrangers star Damien Fleming is recovering well after undergoing a shoulder arthroscopy yesterday. Fleming withdrew prior to the Bushrangers current Pura Cup match against the Western Warriors after being to unable to continue with the shoulder complaint.

VCA doctor Trefor James said the surgery was successful, revealing injuries that had been affecting Fleming's bowling.

"Damien underwent successful arthroscopic surgery that revealed a cartilage tear and tendonitis of the right shoulder. He'll rest it in a sling for approximately four weeks and then commence a rehabilitation program."

Fleming was upbeat after the surgery, saying the injury had been a burden for much of the season.

"It got to the stage that the shoulder wasn't allowing me to bowl anywhere near my capacity. I'm now looking forward to having a rest then working toward full fitness for the beginning of next season."

© 2002 Victorian Cricket Association

Teams Australia.
Players/Umpires Damien Fleming.
Season Australian Domestic Season

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