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Ground conditions dispute resolved
Canterbury Cricket Association - 11 October 2002

A dispute over ground conditions during the first day of club cricket on Saturday, October 5 between Lancaster Park-Woolston and Old Collegians second grade cricket teams has been resolved.

Canterbury Cricket chief executive Richard Reid received written submissions from captains of both teams and has made the ruling that the game on Saturday, which was the first day of a two-day match, will be treated as a wash out. If both captains agree to forfeit first innings points, the match could be played as a one innings game for bonus and outright points.

The dispute arose over the Elmwood Park 1 ground due to concerns raised regarding the fitness of the surrounding block, not that of the particular pitch concerned, with the possible safety hazards and damage to the wicket block.

© Canterbury Cricket Association

Teams New Zealand.
First Class Teams Canterbury.
Players/Umpires Richard Reid.


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