
Players respond to NZC settlement offer
New Zealand Cricket Players' Association - 18 October 2002

The New Zealand Cricket Players' Association (NZCPA) has provided a reasoned response to the settlement offer proposed by the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team last week while at the same time calling for mediation. It has done so because of what it describes as the players' concerns at the intention of New Zealand Cricket to breach the protocol under which the parties agreed to negotiate.

Spokesman for the NZCPA Heath Mills said "Our response acknowledges that the settlement offer was a positive step towards resolution between the parties. It also acknowledges the acceptance by the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team of a number of the proposals made by NZCPA during the negotiation process."

"However the response also highlighted a number of issues which still require further discussion and negotiation."

"The specific details of the response, together with all other information tabled by NZCPA during the negotiation process, is regarded by NZCPA, the players and the bargaining protocol agreed between the parties at the outset as being confidential between the negotiation teams."

"It was with this in mind and given the events of the last two weeks the players felt it prudent to seek assurances from the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team that they would abide by the Bargaining Protocol agreed at the outset of negotiations. This requires them not to disclose any information tabled and regarded as confidential by the players and NZCPA."

"The New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team has failed to provide NZCPA with sufficient acknowledgement of this. We have therefore, in accordance with the bargaining protocol, compelled mediation in an attempt to resolve this issue and progress negotiations in a professional and efficient manner," said Mills.

"To be perfectly honest it is difficult to negotiate in an environment where one party completely ignores agreed protocol and refuses to show respect for the process (and in this instance the players)."

Despite NZCPA's concerns over confidentiality the response to the settlement offer has been provided in good faith and in the interests of continuing the momentum towards resolution. NZCPA and the players are trusting the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team to keep that information confidential until such time as the matter is resolved at mediation."

"We now look forward to progressing negotiations next week. Given we still have a lot to achieve we have proposed an extra day be set aside for bargaining next week. It is proposed that part of that time be allocated to mediation, as required."

The NZCPA has also taken two further steps in relation to the negotiation process this week.

The NZCPA and players have become concerned at rumors that New Zealand Cricket is considering cancelling the State Max competition scheduled for November and significantly decreasing the domestic first-class playing schedule for the 2002/03 season.

In order to ensure that no such premature action is taken the NZCPA has written to New Zealand Cricket in to address these concerns. The letter emphasised that, although the players have taken industrial action concerning the bargaining process, they have undertaken to ensure a minimal effect on the cricketing public and, subject to case by case consideration, the commercial partners of New Zealand Cricket.

Mills said: "It should be remembered that the statement of position relates only to the month of October. No such contemplation has been given at this stage as to any industrial action for the month of November. It has always been the NZCPA's intention to focus on concluding negotiations as soon as possible and in any event prior to the start of the domestic season."

"Unfortunately for everyone involved, negotiations have been diverted and attempts are being made to draw them into the public domain. The NZCPA does not believe this is in the best interests of cricket or the negotiation process and aside from the matters we have been forced to address today NZCPA and the players will continue with there position of not commenting publicly on the specific issues under negotiation."

One of the undertakings outlined in the statement of position for October was for NZCPA to consider the availability of players for promotional activities on a case by case basis. NZCPA has subsequently received notification from the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team that no such activities were planned by Major Associations or New Zealand Cricket for October.

"We wrote to New Zealand Cricket because we are conscious that they will shortly be involved in confirming arrangements for both the Max tournament and the State competitions."

"We suggested that, should they be approached by any commercial partners in respect of these competitions, they should consult with us immediately so that we can explore any options which might be available to avoid disruption both to any commercial arrangements, and the cricketing public of New Zealand."

"New Zealand Cricket has responded confirming that these matters would be discussed further at next Tuesday's negotiation meetings."

There will be no further comment.

© New Zealand Cricket Players' Association

Teams New Zealand.