
Players aim to reach agreement within the week
New Zealand Cricket Players' Association - 21 October 2002

The New Zealand Cricket Players Association (NZCPA) is seeking to reach agreement with the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team within the week in respect of the current player contract negotiations. The parties are agreed on a substantial number of the issues requiring resolution. In respect of the outstanding issues, the NZCPA is aiming to provide the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team with a counter offer.

"We provided a reasoned response to the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Teams settlement offer last week. As part of that response we have highlighted some key issues which require discussion and agreement prior to us being in a position to provide a meaningful and responsible counter offer," said executive director and member of the NZCPA negotiation team Rob Nichol.

"The key issue is reaching agreement on the mechanism that will be used to both calculate and forecast the income figures from which any player payment pool will be calculated. Until we have achieved this it is difficult to calibrate any offer and ensure the reasonableness of it."

The NZCPA has also made publicly available both the NZCPA background document relating to the players position and the players response to the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team's settlement offer.

"It is hoped that by making these documents available we will be able to provide the public and media with the player's perspective in relation to the issues under negotiation," said Nichol.

"What the documentation shows is that there are some differences in the philosophies of the two parties and how the relationship should work. Both parties place different levels of priority and importance on the role the players play in that relationship."

"We have discussed at length during negotiations the New Zealand Cricket Bargaining Team's perspective and our own. We believe that both parties understand and respect the position of the other."

"Somewhere in between lies the middle ground and that is more than likely where an agreement will be found."

We want to ensure the public of New Zealand that what will result will be in the best interests of cricket in New Zealand both in the short and long term" said Nichol.

"This is a hard process. It is one which tests everyone who is involved. We ask for patience and understanding while we try and resolve matters in a professional and timely manner."

© New Zealand Cricket Players' Association

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