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Tiffen to coach in Buller
Canterbury Cricket Association - 29 October 2002

TelstraClear White Fern and State Canterbury Magicians captain Haidee Tiffen will visit Buller this week to promote cricket as part of the Buller Cricket Holcim coaching development programme.

Tiffen arrives on Wednesday, October 30 and will be in the region for three days. She will visit primary schools in Reefton and Westport, run a Milo Kiwi coaching clinic for local coaches, teachers and parents and promote women's and girl's cricket.

The 90-minute Kiwi coaching clinic is in the Westport Community Hall at 6pm on October 30. All participants will receive a resource booklet on cricket skills, games and coaching as well as a certificate.

Also on the same day at the same venue, from 7.30-9pm, Tiffen will run a professional cricket coaching session for girls and women. The session is open to females of any age and ability.

Canterbury Cricket has employed Tiffen as a Women's Development Officer for the summer months and she is determined to grow the women's game.

"As the aim is to have women's teams established at secondary school and Milo Shield level, I will have a firm focus on helping to achieve this goal," Tiffen said.

She said she was looking forward to visiting Buller to further develop and promote women's cricket.

© Canterbury Cricket Association

Related Link Women's Cricket
Teams New Zealand.
First Class Teams Canterbury.
Players/Umpires Haidee Tiffen.


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