Shaun Udal Benefit 2002

Shaggy 2002 Benefit
Images from the Final Event at The Cafe Royal

Xmas Tree Raffle TopTable Spice Robin/Mehda Bundy Rory Rory/Shaggy Pensive Surprize Julia Speech
Click on the thumbnails to view larger images and captions
[ Xmas tree greets guests ] [ Auction & Raffle prizes ] [ Guests at the Top Table ] [ Spicy Girls (not) ] [ Robin and ECB's Mehda Laud ] [ Denis Bundy, MoC and Auctioneer ] [ Rory Bremner entertains ] [Shaun Udal with Rory Bremner ] [ A pensive Shaggy doing the raffle ] [ Oh no, he's not won another prize ] [ Julia Roberts committee member ] [ Shaun addresses the multitude ]

Shaun Udal Benefit Year

If you would like to make a donation,
or enquire about a function please contact the benefit office:

Contact: Clare Britten, Shaun Udal Benefit Office,
Dummer Down Farm, Dummer, Hampshire RG25 2AR
Tel: 01256 397008 e-mail:

Link to Hampshire Web Site