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Bournemouth Sports Cricket Club - Formed

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Bournemouth Sports CC Review 2002 (Written by Martin Miller)

Our season reviews are getting easier to write - simply copy text from the previous four reviews, update it to reflect changes in personnel and leave the parts that refer to good individual performances and inconsistent team performances. And of course, leave in the bit about the mid-table finishing position.

Boosted by the appointment of Richard Scott as Director of Cricket and Bovis Homes as our Club sponsor, our season started promisingly. However, although we enjoyed good early wins against BAT and Bashley, incessant rain and our inability to score 80 in 20 with six wickets in hand against both Havant and BAT, cost us the chance to challenge for honours. The second half of our season simply faded away and we finished with three draws and three defeats on the bounce.

Our bowlers worked hard all summer and with the exception of Portsmouth and Liphook, we managed to bowl out all other sides at least once. Joe Wilson and Matt Mixer were the pick of the crop and they deserved their Dorset call-ups. On the batting front, only Matt Swarbrick (554 runs) and Martin Miller (393) scored consistently, and it is this part of our game where significant improvement is required. Oh, and we still need to learn to catch! Maybe 2003?

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs