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New Milton Cricket Club - Formed

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New Milton CC Review 2002

A season of some progress. Good bowling performances, with Andy Snellgrove, Ben Neal, and popular Aussie Peter Anderson all around the 30 wicket mark. Lee Beck would have enjoyed a similar haul but for a pre season injury. There was little chance to develop a strong spinning presence.

John Dolman was busy with 'A' levels, his hard work rewarded with a place at Oxford, but his opportunities to bowl long spells correspondingly limited. Matt Freeman also showed outstanding potential in his first season in first team cricket.

Richard Wilson was excellent behind the stumps and set the standard for generally sound performances in the field.

The batting was less convincing. Steve Watts scored over 500 runs but the rest of the line up blew hot and cold. The loss of Ian Griffiths to injury, David Wheeler to the Academy, and Ben Edgell's restriction to just a handful of appearances took 1300 high quality runs from the team, a handicap that Dean Miller, Lee Beck, Ryan Beck and Nick Gargarro, well though they played at times, could never quite overcome.

The biggest boost was however outside the fixture list. This was the club's relocation to Fernhill where in furure we will be able to entertain opponents in a true Premier League environment.

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs