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Hursley Park Cricket Club - Formed 1785

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Hursley Park CC Review 2000 (written by Alan Edwards)

The final outcome to the season was bitterly disappointing. With three regular Hampshire 2nd XI players available for two-thirds of the season, the team's eventual relegation must have surprised many. Yet such a situation could not have been forseen in the first few weeks of the summer, Hursley Park having knocked BAT Sports and Portsmouth out of the ECB Club Championship and having won two of its initial three SPL2 matches.

Problems with availability, inconsistent batting and an inordinate number of serious injuries saw the team's fortunes decline. On only two occasions throughout the whole summer was skipper Paul Edwards able to call upon the same team in consecutive matches. 23 players eventually appeared at 1st XI level. T om Burns, Ross Cambray, Stuart Wilson and Hampshire-bound Chris Tremlett - all pace bowlers - were unable to play as July and August progressed. The first three suffered long-term injuries that sidelined them for the rest of the season.

The gifted Tremlett joined another Hursley 'old boy' Adie Aymes in the county squad and missed the last six matches of the season. Hursley's loss was very much Hampshire's gain. The rest of the club's bowling strength was decimated by August holidays.

The batting remained a problem all season. David Jackson (523 runs) and Edwards (388) scored 43pc of the team's total number of runs and posted three century partnerships. No other batsman attined the 200-run figure.

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs