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Fixtures and Results

[Click here to move down to up-to-date League table] Sunday 28th October 2001
Lymington 2 3.00pm Ringwood
Godshill 8.00pm Brockenhurst
Sunday 4th November 2001
Esso (Fawley) 2 4.00pm Pylewell Park 1
Milford-on-Sea 1 7.00pm Cadnam 2
Sunday 11th November 2001
Ringwood 133-2 beat Godshill 129-3 by 4 wkts
Brockenhurst 105-4 lost to Esso (Fawley) 2 108-3 by 3 wkts
Sunday 18th November 2001
Pylewell Park 1 124-6 beat Milford-on-Sea 1 112-6 by 12 runs
Godshill 74-0 beat Lymington 2 73-4 by 6 wkts
Sunday 25th November 2001
Esso (Fawley) 2 103-5 lost to Ringwood 104-2 by 4 wkts
Sunday 2nd December 2001
Milford-on-Sea 1 132-1 beat Brockenhurst 129-6 by 5 wkts
Cadnam 2 102-4 beat Pylewell Park 1 81-4 by 21 runs
Sunday 9th December 2001
Esso (Fawley) 2 161-5 beat Lymington 2 118-5 by 43 runs
Ringwood 95-4 beat Milford-on-Sea 1 94-5 by 2 wkts
Sunday 16th December 2001
Brockenhurst 106-4 lost to Cadnam 2 176-5 by 70 runs
Esso (Fawley) 2 108-5 lost to Godshill 124-5 by 16 runs
Sunday 13th January 2002
Ringwood 76-6 lost to Cadnam 2 134-4 by 60 runs
Pylewell Park 1 132-5 lost to Brockenhurst 133-4 by 1 run
Godshill 116-2 beat Milford-on-Sea 1 113-4 by 4 wkts
Sunday 20th January 2002
Lymington 2 99-3 lost to Cadnam 2 134-5 by 35 runs
Ringwood conceded Pylewell Park 1 w/o conceded
Sunday 27th January 2002
Milford-on-Sea 1 148-6 lost to Esso (Fawley) 2 150-4 by 2 wkts
Sunday 3rd February 2001
Cadnam 2 99-1 beat Godshill 98-6 by 5 wkts
Pylewell Park 1 139-5 beat Lymington 2 136-4 by 1 wkt
Sunday 10th February 2002
Brockenhurst 135-4 beat Ringwood 124-5 by 11 runs
Cadnam 2 141-4 beat Esso (Fawley) 2 122-4 by 19 runs
Sunday 17th February 2002
Pylewell Park 1 121-6 lost to Godshill 122-3 by 3 wkts
Lymington 2 102-3 beat Brockenhurst 101-5 by 3 wkts
Sunday 24th February 2002
Milford-on-Sea 1 110-3 lost to Lymington 2 113-1 by 5 wkts

(upto and including 10-2-02)

-  Team P W L Bonus Runs Pts Ddctd
1  Cadnam II 7 7 0 8 670 78 0
2  Esso (Fawley) II 7 4 3 9 862 49 0
3  Godshill 6 4 2 7 609 47 0
4  Pylewell Park I 6 3 3 6 732 36 0
5  Ringwood 7 3 4 2 812 32 0
6  Brockenhurst 6 2 4 5 843 25 0
7  Milford-on-Sea I 6 1 5 5 682 15 0
8  Lymington II 5 1 4 3 425 13 0

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs