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Fixtures and Results
[Click here to move down to up-to-date League table]

Sunday 30th September 2001
O.T. & Romsey B 131-5 (11) beat Broughton 106-5 (5) by 25 runs
Michelmersh & T. 111-3 (12) beat Ampfield B 41-6 (1) by 70 runs
Whiteparish 67-6 (3) lost to East Tytherley II 90-4 (11) by 23 runs
Sunday 14th October 2001
Whiteparish 72-6 (3) lost to Ampfield B 92-4 (11) by 20 runs
East Tytherley II 97-6 (11) beat Broughton 74-6 (4) by 23 runs
Michelmersh & T. 131-4 (12) beat O.T. & Romsey B 89-6 (4) by 42 runs
Sunday 28th October 2001
East Tytherley II 77-4 (4) lost to Michelmersh & T. 107-4 (11) by 30 runs
Ampfield B 112-5 (4) lost to O.T. & Romsey B 113-3 (11) by 3 wkts
Whiteparish 28-6 (1) lost to Broughton 148-3 (12) by 120 runs
Sunday 11th November 2001
Whiteparish 84-6 (3) lost to O.T. & Romsey B 138-3 (12) by 54 runs
Broughton 59-6 (3) lost to Michelmersh & T. 120-4 (12) by 61 runs
Ampfield B 115-6 (10) beat East Tytherley II 97-3 (5) by 18 runs
Sunday 25th November 2001
Whiteparish 76-3 (3) lost to Michelmersh & T. 77-2 (12) by 4 wkts
O.T. & Romsey B 159-0 (12) beat East Tytherley II 83-6 (2) by 76 runs
Broughton 89-4 (5) lost to Ampfield B 95-6 (10) by 6 runs
Sunday 9th December 2001
Broughton 59-4 (1) lost to O.T. & Romsey B 60-0 (11) by 6 wkts
Ampfield B 82-5 (2) lost to Michelmersh & T. 137-0 (11) by 55 runs
East Tytherley II 44-1 (12) beat Whiteparish 42-6 (0) by 5 wkts
Sunday 6th January 2002
East Tytherley II 59-6 (2) lost to Michelmersh & T. 60-3 (11) by 3 wkts
Whiteparish 62-6 (3) lost to O.T. & Romsey B 63-4 (11) by 2 wkts
Ampfield B 97-4 (4) lost to Broughton 99-5 (10) by 2 runs
Sunday 20th January 2002
Whiteparish 68-1 (1) lost to Ampfield B 69-1 (9) by 5 wkts
Michelmersh & T. 82-6 (11) beat Broughton 24-6 (3) by 58 runs
East Tytherley II 76-4 (3) lost to O.T. & Romsey B 77-2 (11) by 4 wkts
Sunday 3rd February 2002
East Tytherley II 77-0 (11) beat Broughton 76-4 (2) by 6 wkts
O.T. & Romsey B 83-1 (10) beat Ampfield B 82-3 (2) by 5 wkts
Michelmersh & T. 81-0 (11) beat Whiteparish 80-4 (2) by 6 wkts
Sunday 17th February 2002
East Tytherley II 90-5 (2) lost to Ampfield B 98-0 (10) by 8 runs
Broughton 100-3 (12) beat Whiteparish 99-6 (3) by 3 wkts
O.T. & Romsey B 47-6 (3) lost to Michelmersh & T. 115-6 (12) by 68 runs

(upto and including END OF THE SEASON)

-  Team P W L Td Bat Bowl Pts
1  Michelmersh & T. 10 10 0 0 28 27 115
2  O.T. & Romsey B 10 8 2 0 25 23 96
3  East Tytherley II 10 4 6 0 21 18 63
4  Ampfield B 10 5 5 0 19 14 63
5  Broughton # 10 3 7 0 18 21 45
6  Whiteparish 10 0 10 0 12 11 23
# - 10 points deducted for failure to attend AGM

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs