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Fixtures and Results

[Click here to move down to up-to-date League table]

Sunday 30th September 2001
Twyford 5.30pm Bishops Waltham 2
Littleton & W.H. 1 6.30pm Eastleigh
Hursley Park 7.30pm Crawley
Compton & C.Ford 8.30pm Fair Oak 2
Sunday 14th October 2001
Littleton & W.H. 1 5.30pm Hursley Park
Bishops Waltham 2 6.30pm Young Bucks
Eastleigh 7.30pm Crawley
Twyford 8.30pm Easton & M.W. 3
Sunday 28th October 2001
Crawley 5.30pm Young Bucks
Littleton & W.H. 1 6.30pm Compton & C.Ford
Hursley Park 7.30pm Easton & M.W. 3
Eastleigh 8.30pm Fair Oak 2
Sunday 11th November 2001
Hursley Park 5.30pm Eastleigh
Twyford 6.30pm Fair Oak 2
Littleton & W.H. 1 7.30pm Crawley
Bishops Waltham 2 8.30pm Compton & C.Ford
Sunday 25th November 2001
Bishops Waltham 2 5.30pm Fair Oak 2
Littleton & W.H. 1 6.30pm Easton & M.W. 3
Twyford 7.30pm Compton & C.Ford
Eastleigh 8.30pm Young Bucks
Sunday 9th December 2001
Compton & C.Ford 5.30pm Easton & M.W. 3
Twyford 6.30pm Hursley Park
Fair Oak 2 7.30pm Young Bucks
Bishops Waltham 2 8.30pm Crawley
Sunday 6th January 2002
Twyford 5.30pm Littleton & W.H. 1
Crawley 6.30pm Fair Oak 2
Bishops Waltham 2 7.30pm Eastleigh
Hursley Park 8.30pm Compton & C.Ford
Sunday 20th January 2002
Littleton & W.H. 1 5.30pm Young Bucks
Bishops Waltham 2 6.30pm Hursley Park
Eastleigh 7.30pm Compton & C.Ford
Crawley 8.30pm Easton & M.W. 3
Sunday 3rd February 2002
Hursley Park 5.30pm Fair Oak 2
Compton & C.Ford 6.30pm Young Bucks
Easton & M.W. 3 7.30pm Bishops Waltham 2
Twyford 8.30pm Eastleigh
Sunday 17th February 2002
Compton & C.Ford 5.30pm Crawley
Easton & M.W. 3 6.30pm Fair Oak 2
Twyford 7.30pm Young Bucks
Littleton & W.H. 1 8.30pm Bishops Waltham 2
Sunday 3rd March 2002
Easton & M.W. 3 5.30pm Eastleigh
Twyford 6.30pm Crawley
Littleton & W.H. 1 7.30pm Fair Oak 2
Hursley Park 8.30pm Young Bucks
Sunday 17th March 2002
Easton & M.W. 3 5.30pm Young Bucks

(upto and including end of season)

-  Team P W L Td BP Pts
1  Hursley Park 8 7 1 0 41 97
2  Compton & C.Ford 1 8 7 1 0 39 95
3  Crawley 8 5 3 0 34 74
4  Easton & Martyr Worthy 2 8 4 4 0 36 68
5  Fair Oak 2 8 4 4 0 32 64
6  Twyford 8 3 5 0 24 48
7  Bishops Waltham 2 8 2 6 0 25 41
8  Littleton & W.H. 1 8 2 6 0 25 41
9  Eastleigh & Otterbourne 8 1 7 0 25 33
10  Young Bucks - withdrew - - - - - -

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs