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Administrative Rules 2002

[1. League Positions] [2. Promotions and Relegations] [3. Notifications of Results]
[4. Eligibility of Players] [5. Scorers] [6. Disputes and Complaints]
[7. Cancelled Fixtures] [8. Ground Standards] [9. Clothing] [10. Refreshments]


1.       League Positions
1.1      League positions will be based on the average number of points obtained by a team in 
         completed matches.  In all divisions, no points will be awarded to either team in a 
         match which has been abandoned.
1.2      In the event of two or more teams having the same points average at the conclusion of 
         the League programme, the higher position in the League shall be determined by the 
         following criteria, in order, as necessary:
1.2.1    the team winning the greater number of matches
1.2.2    the team with the greater number of ties   
1.2.3    the team with the greater number of runs per over. 
1.3      Averages shall be calculated to the precision necessary.

2.       Promotion and Relegation
2.1      Between Divisions 1 & 2
         The bottom team from Division 1 shall be relegated to Division 2 and be replaced by the 
         top team of that division, subject to that team holding a current overall accreditation 
         grading of at least Silver with Gold potential.
2.2      Between Divisions 2 & 3
         The bottom two teams from Division 2 shall be relegated to Division 3 and be replaced by 
         the top two teams of that division, subject to those teams holding a current overall 
         accreditation grading of at least Bronze with Silver potential.
2.3      Between Division 3 and the Hampshire Cricket League
         The bottom two teams in Division 3 shall be relegated to Hampshire Cricket League County 
         Division 1 and be replaced by the top two teams in that division, subject to those teams 
         holding a current overall accreditation grading of at least Bronze.
2.4      In the event of termination of a club's membership of the League in accordance with 
         Article 4 of the Constitution, the number of relegated clubs may be reduced by a 
         decision of the Annual General Meeting.
2.5      In the event of a promoted team declining or not being eligible for membership of a 
         Division, the Committee shall have sole jurisdiction over whether to accept the next 
         eligible club from the division concerned or from the Hampshire Cricket League.
         Note: The Management Committee's policy will generally be as follows:
         If the top team in Division 2 is not graded at least Silver with Gold potential, the 
         second-placed team (if accredited) will be promoted to Division 1 instead.  If neither 
         of the top two are so accredited, there will be no relegation or promotion.
         If either of the top two teams in Division 3 is not graded at least Bronze with Silver 
         potential, the third-placed team (if accredited) will be promoted to Division 2 instead. 
         If neither of the top two are so accredited, only the third-placed team (if accredited) 
         will be promoted, with one team relegated.  If none of the top three are so accredited, 
         there will be no relegation or promotion.
         If either of the top two teams in HCL County Division 1 is not graded at least Bronze 
         with Silver potential, the third-placed team (if accredited) will be promoted to 
         Division 3 instead.  If neither of the top two are so accredited, only the third-placed 
         team (if accredited) will be promoted, with one team relegated.  If none of the top 
         three are so accredited, there will be no relegation or promotion.
         No more than two teams in Division 1, and three in Divisions 2 and 3, will be relegated 
         as a result of their League position or accreditation grading (see 12.2).
         Promotion and relegation in any other circumstances will be at the discretion of the 
         Management Committee, whose decision will be final.
2.6      No club may have more than one team in a division.  If necessary, to enforce this rule, 
         the team of lower standing will be refused promotion.
2.7      The accreditation grading referred to above shall be that which is current at the time 
         of the Committee Meeting at which the promotion or relegation is approved.

3.       Notification of Results
3.1      The Home Captain or his representative must telephone the result to Portsmouth Cricket 
         Club, 023 9283 7283, immediately after the match (and no later than 8.45 pm) to ensure 
         inclusion in the Sunday newspapers and the Ceefax/Teletext services.
3.2      For clubs in Divisions 1 and 2, the Home Captain or his representative must also notify 
         match details by telephone to Mike Vimpany 01329 310256 (or by Fax to 01329 221177) 
         between 9.00 am and 11.30 am on the following day (Sunday).  Clubs in Division 3 may 
         also notify their match details if they wish.
3.3      Result sheets will be provided by the League.  They must be fully completed and then 
         signed by both Captains at the close of every match.  The home club shall then fax the 
         result sheet to the Results Secretary on 023 8036 9536 as soon as possible after the 
         match, but not later than 11.00am on the Sunday following the match.  Fax confirmation 
         notices should be retained by the sender for verification purposes.
3.4      In the event of the match being abandoned/cancelled BEFORE the start of the match, the 
         HOME club MUST notify the Results Secretary as soon as possible after the decision to 
         abandon/cancel the match is made, but not later than 11.00 am on the Sunday following 
         the match.
3.5      In the event of the match being abandoned AFTER the start of the match, the HOME club 
         shall fully complete the result sheet and fax it to the Results Secretary as soon as 
         possible after the decision to abandon the match is made, but not later than 11.00am on 
         the Sunday following the match.

4.       Eligibility of Players
         General Conditions
4.1      A player is entitled to play in the League for the cricket section of the club of which 
         he is a fully paid up member.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any player who has played 
         in a League or Cup competition in the Southern Premier or Hampshire Cricket Leagues, or 
         in a National Cup competition (excluding the National Village Championship), shall be 
         considered a recognised member of the club for which he has played and shall not be 
         eligible to play for any other club in any of the above competitions, without obtaining 
         the necessary transfer (see Rule 4.8).  If a Member Club has any doubts as to the 
         eligibility of a player, it should contact the General Secretary BEFORE the player 
         takes part in a competitive match for the club.
         No payments shall be made to players for representing clubs in the League.
4.2      After 31st July no club may play in a minor XI in the League, or the Hampshire Cricket 
         League, more than two players who have each played more than eight games in a more 
         senior Saturday XI of the club.
4.3      Registration of players
4.3.1    Clubs in Division 1 of the League shall register all players, as follows:
         i) Category 1 - all players other than those registered under Rules 4.4 and 4.5
         ii) Category 2 - Contracted players (see Rule 4.5)
         iii)  Category 3 - players from overseas (see Rule 4.4)
4.3.2    Category 1 players will remain registered with that club and shall not be eligible to 
         play for another club in the League or the Hampshire Cricket League without obtaining a 
         transfer (see Rule 4.8).  A Category 1 player may obtain a transfer at any time, during 
         or after the end of the season, but if the transfer is not completed before 1st July in 
         any season the player will not be eligible to play for another club in the League or the 
         Hampshire Cricket League until the following season.  Should a player transfer to a 
         club in Division 1 of the League, his new club must register him as Category 1 player 
         before playing him in Division 1.
4.3.3    All clubs in Divisions 2 and 3 of the League are only required to register Category 2 
         and Category 3 players.
4.3.4    Category 2 and Category 3 players shall be registered each season.  Their registration 
         will expire at the end of that season.
4.3.5    In an emergency a Category 1 player can be registered on the day of the match, provided 
         that both Umpires have countersigned the registration form as being fully completed 
         BEFORE the start of the match.  The completed registration form must be received by the 
         Results Secretary by first post on the Tuesday following the match.  If not, the club 
         will be deemed to have played an ineligible player.
4.3.6    In the case of clubs relegated from Division 1, the registrations of all their Category 
         1 players will be cancelled at the end of the season.
4.4      Players from Overseas
4.4.1    A foreign national who is not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom may play for a 
         member club, but must be registered as a Category 3 player.  In determining questions 
         of nationality, the Committee shall adopt the criteria employed by the ECB.
         A person is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom if:
         (i) he has been resident in this country for a period of twenty four consecutive months 
         before the date of his request for registration, and
         (ii) he has not been out of this country for longer than 35 days consecutively nor 70 
         days in total during the previous twenty four months
4.4.2    Clubs may register only one overseas player during the season.  Such player shall have 
         previously attained a minimum of an ECB Level 1 (or equivalent) coaching qualification.  
         Proof of the player's coaching certificate must be lodged with the registration.
         Contracted Players
4.5      No player receiving emoluments as a cricketer from a First Class County, or who has 
         played First Class cricket overseas in the 12 months prior to the start of the League 
         season, may play for a member club unless he is registered with the League as a Category 
         2 player.
         Only one such player may be registered by each club during the playing season.  That 
         player may not play in the same match as an Overseas Player registered under Rule 4.4.
4.5.1    a Contracted Young Player in further education during that season may play for a club 
         in the League provided that:
         (i) the individual concerned is the product of the Hampshire Development system or the 
         Youth Section of any member club that is situated outside Hampshire, and
         (ii) no more than one such player can play in the same game as either a full 
         Professional or Overseas Player.
4.5.2    a Contracted Player or First Class Professional who has played for a member club for the 
         three seasons immediately prior to obtaining a contract may continue to play for that 
         club at the same time as an Overseas Player.  Should a member club have two or more 
         such Contracted Players, those Contracted Players may continue to play for that member 
         club in the same match but only one Contracted Player may play at the same time as an 
         Overseas Player.
4.5.3    a member club with two or more Contracted Players qualified to play for that club under 
         4.5.2 shall not register another Professional Player or Contracted Young Player covered 
         by Rules 4.5 and 4.5.1.
4.5.4    should any player obtain a contract after the start of a season, he may continue to play 
         for the member club for which he is registered, for that season, without penalty to that 
4.6      All Category 2 and 3 players must be registered no later than 1st July.
4.7      No transfer will be permitted for Category 2 or 3 players.
4.8.1    Transfers must be arranged using an approved transfer form which will be available from 
         the Registration Secretary.  The forms must be signed by the player concerned and the 
         secretaries of both clubs.  Application forms must be received by the Registration 
         Secretaries of the League and the Hampshire Cricket League at least seven days before 
         the player seeking the transfer will be eligible to play.  Transfers will not be 
         permitted after 1st July in any season.
4.9      Special Regulations for the Hampshire CCC Academy
4.9.1    Before the commencement of the season Hampshire CCC will register a squad comprising a 
         maximum of 11 Academy or prospective Academy players, plus full or summer contract 
         players aged under 24 on the first day of the season.
4.9.2    Any other players that may be required during the season would not come from clubs in 
         the League, unless mutually agreed between Hampshire CCC and the club concerned.
4.9.3    No more than four full or summer contract players may play in any one game.
4.9.4    The Captain may be from the Hampshire CCC staff and may be aged over 24.
4.9.5    Any prospective Academy player would not play against his own club without the agreement 
         of the club.
4.9.6    Any Academy or prospective player not chosen in the team 12 for any match will be 
         available to play for his own club and will therefore have dual registration.
4.9.7    All full or summer contract players may register with another club in the League in 
         accordance with Rules 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 and play for that club when not required by 
         Hampshire CCC.
4.9.8    No contract or Academy player shall be paid to play in a League match.

5.       Scorers
5.1      Each team shall supply a competent scorer, who preferably shall have passed the Standard 
         Level examination of the Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers.  The scorer shall 
         not be a player in the match.  Regular failure to comply with this provision shall result 
         in a penalty at the discretion of the Committee.
5.2      If no Scorer is available then the Captain will nominate one of his team players to 
         undertake the scoring.  No substitute shall be allowed for this player who may, however, 
         resume his place in the nominated side, with any resultant penalties under the Laws, if 
         a scorer is subsequently provided.

6.       Disputes and Complaints
6.1      Disputes and complaints shall be made in writing to the General Secretary within seven 
         days of the incident or occurrence to which they refer.  The General Secretary shall 
         refer these matters to the Committee and the decision of the Committee shall be final.

7.       Cancelled Fixtures
7.1      Any member Club failing to honour a fixture for reasons other than weather shall advise 
         the reasons in writing to the General Secretary as early as possible and not later than 
         the Monday after the fixture was due.  If the opponent club wishes to claim any expenses 
         in regard to the cancelled match, it shall lodge its claim with the General Secretary 
         within seven days of the fixture date.  In the event of a member club having more than 
         one Saturday team and being unable to fulfil all its fixtures on any day, the playing of 
         Southern Premier League matches shall take precedence.  Any club failing to comply with 
         the above shall be subject to a penalty laid down in Article 12 of the Constitution.
7.2      Where a club withdraws from all its fixtures, whether before or during the relevant 
         season, the Management Committee shall take such action as appears to it to be necessary 
         in order best to serve the needs of the club concerned, the League, other leagues and 
         club cricket in general.

8.       Ground Standards and Minimum Facilities Criteria
8.1      The minimum requirements for ground, facilities and youth development shall be specified 
         by the Committee and certified by the Hampshire Cricket Board.  The requirements shall 
         vary by division, with basic criteria applying to Division 3 and incrementally more 
         stringent criteria applying to Divisions 2 and 1 respectively.  Variation of these 
         criteria shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee.  Any such variation shall not 
         normally take place following commencement of the playing season.
8.2      For the removal of doubt, should the accreditation of a side fall below the minimum level 
         required to compete in a particular division, the side shall be relegated to the division 
         or League appropriate to its accreditation (see also Note to 2.5).

9.       Clothing
9.1      Cricket Wear.  All clothing shall be white.  Shirts, sweaters and trousers may display 
         their manufacturer's name, logo or similar device if these are unobtrusive.  Not more 
         than two other commercial names, logos or similar devices and one Club insignia will be  
         permitted on shirts and sweaters.  The Club insignia must be on the chest and may be 
         accompanied by one commercial device.  Any second commercial device may be on either the 
         sleeve or the collar but may not appear on both.  Only manufacturers' names and/or logos 
         may appear on trousers or footwear.
9.2      The area of each device shall not exceed 10 square inches or the following external 
9.2.1    A rectangle measuring 4 inches by 2 1/2 inches
9.2.2    A rectangle measuring 5 inches by 2 inches
9.2.3    A square with sides measuring 3 1/8 inches
9.2.4    A circle of 3 1/2 inches diameter.

10.      Refreshments
10.1     The home side shall provide lunches and teas (as appropriate) without cost to the 
         visiting side.

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs