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League Constitution 2002



1.      TITLE
1.1     The name of the League shall be the Southern Premier Cricket League (hereinafter called 
        "the League").  At the discretion of the Management Committee, the League Title may 
        incorporate words or symbols referring to a sponsor or other appropriate body.

2.      OBJECTS
2.1     The promotion, advancement and protection of the interests of cricket in Hampshire and 
        its environs.
2.2     To maintain a development fund for the benefit of Member Clubs and former Member Clubs.
2.3     Co-operation with the Hampshire Cricket Board, the Hampshire Cricket League and any other 
        body having similar objects to the League.
2.4     Co-operation with and the provision of assistance and advice to Member Clubs on any 
        matter affecting the interests of the Member Club or the League.
2.5     Consideration of any other means for promoting the interests of the League.

3.1     The Officers of the League shall be the President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General 
        Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Fixtures Secretary and Honorary Results Secretary 
        all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and hold Office until the next 
        Annual General Meeting, when they shall retire but be eligible for re-election.
3.2     The League shall be governed by a Management Committee (hereinafter called "the Committee") 
        consisting of the Officers of the League and not more than six other Committee members 
        duly elected at the Annual General Meeting.  The Committee shall be responsible for the 
        management of the League, appoint Sub-Committees (which shall include a Discipline 
        Sub-Committee and an Appeals Sub-Committee) and have the powers of co-option.  Co-opted 
        members shall be entitled to vote.  The Committee may submit proposals to any General 
        Meeting of the League after due notice has been given to Member Clubs.  The Committee is 
        elected to implement and interpret the Rules of the League.  The alteration or suspension 
        of League Rules can only take place with the approval of Member Clubs at either the 
        Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary Meeting.
3.3     The Committee shall meet as necessary and will be responsible for the government of the 
        League within the framework of this Constitution and the Rules and shall have the power 
        to deal with anything not covered by the Constitution or the Rules and to decide on the 
        interpretation of this Constitution or the Rules in the event of any disagreement as to 
        their meaning and such decision shall be final and binding on all Member Clubs.
3.4     No business shall be conducted by the Committee unless at least two officers and two 
        other Committee members be present.  Where necessary the Chairman of the meeting shall 
        exercise a casting vote.

4.1     Membership of the League shall be open to bona fide clubs approved by the Committee.  
        Clubs shall be members or affiliated members of the Hampshire Cricket Board and shall 
        hold a Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Committee confirming that they satisfy 
        the minimum requirements for ground, facilities and youth development as specified by the 
        Committee and certified by the Hampshire Cricket Board.  A Club shall cease to be a 
        member of the League after the Annual General Meeting next following the withdrawal of 
        any Certificate of Accreditation granted to it, or immediately on cessation of membership 
        (or affiliate membership) of the Hampshire Cricket Board.
4.2     Only a General Meeting may expel from membership any Member Club.
4.3     Full Membership is accorded to those Clubs playing in any division in the League.  There 
        shall be no Associate Membership.
4.4     All Member Clubs shall take out Public Liability Insurance cover at a minimum level to be 
        agreed at each Annual General Meeting and shall produce evidence of current insurance to 
        the Committee by 20 April each year.  A Club whose insurance renewal is due after 20 
        April shall produce evidence of renewal not later than the renewal date.  Any Club 
        failing to meet this requirement will be suspended from membership until evidence is 
        produced.  It shall be sufficient compliance with this rule if the Member Club has 
        produced such evidence to the satisfaction of the Committee of the Hampshire Cricket 

5.1     The Annual General Meeting of the League shall take place in November at a venue, date 
        and time to be decided by the Committee.  Notice of every Annual General Meeting will be 
        circulated to Member Clubs at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting.  
        Proposed alterations to rules and other proposals, including nominations for the 
        Management Committee, will be considered at the Annual General Meeting subject to written 
        notice by two Member Clubs, certified by the Chairman and Secretary of each as having the 
        support of the Club committees, being given to the General Secretary before the fifteenth 
        day of September.
5.2     No proposal to amend the Constitution shall be deemed to be carried unless it receives 
        not less than two-thirds of the votes cast at the meeting.  At any General Meeting each 
        Member Club shall have one vote. No Member Club shall be entitled to vote at a meeting 
        by proxy. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the Meeting or his nominated deputy 
        shall have a casting vote.  Voting shall be by show of hands unless the Chairman directs 
5.3     Where a motion affects the Rules of Play in a particular Division of the League, only 
        Clubs with teams affected by the proposed change may vote.  The decision of the Chairman 
        of the meeting shall be final in determining the effects of this rule.  No proposal to 
        amend the Rules shall be deemed to be carried unless it receives not less than two-thirds 
        of the votes cast.

6.1     An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the discretion of the Committee or 
        on receipt by the General Secretary of a written request from not less than one half of 
        the Member Clubs.  Notice of, and Proceedings at an Extraordinary General Meeting shall 
        be the same as those at Annual General Meetings.

7.1     The League's annual subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
7.2     Subscriptions, and any other moneys due to the League, shall be paid by Member Clubs to 
        the Hon Treasurer within 30 days of being so requested by him.  Failure to make payment 
        in due time shall be visited by a levy (see 12 below).
7.3     The Hon. Treasurer shall deposit subscriptions in a bank account approved by the 
        Committee and be responsible for keeping all records of the League's financial 
7.4     Payments made to the League should be by cheque to be made payable to the "Southern 
        Premier Cricket League".
7.5     All payments made by the League by cheque or other financial instrument shall bear the 
        signature of any two of the Hon. Treasurer, Chairman and General Secretary.
7.6     Officers and Management Committee Members (including co-opted members) are entitled to 
        claim reimbursement of travelling expenses incurred by attendance at meetings, at rates 
        approved by the Committee. 
7.7     Member Clubs may be required to purchase a minimum number of League handbooks, subject 
        to conditions that the Committee may impose.

8.1     The accounts of the League shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer and such accounts 
        shall be audited annually by the Auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting.  For 
        the purposes of such audit, the accounts shall close on 30th September in each year.

9.1     The League shall hold an Annual Dinner at which presentations will be made.  The function 
        shall be held on a convenient date in November or December; its venue and general format 
        shall be decided by the Committee. 
9.2     Member Clubs will be required to purchase a minimum of eight tickets for the function, or 
        such lesser number as the Management Committee may specify.
9.3     The League shall provide and award 13 individual medals to the winning Club of each 
        Division.  Those Clubs may purchase additional individual medals with the consent of the 
        Management Committee.  The League shall also present a trophy to those Clubs.  The Clubs 
        shall hold the trophies until 1st September of the following year and return them in good 
        order to the General Secretary.  Arrangements for engraving trophies shall be the 
        responsibility of the League.

10.1    There shall be an annual knockout competition, the jurisdiction of which will be vested 
        in the Committee.

11.1    Except for the jointly agreed promotion and relegation arrangement with the Hampshire 
        Cricket League, no Member Club shall be entitled to become a member of an alternative 
        League competition unless it has given notice in writing to the General Secretary by 1st 
        April in the year preceding that in which it proposes to become a member of that 
        alternative League competition.

12.1       General
12.1.1     All disciplinary matters connected with the League or the conduct of matches played 
           under the auspices of the League shall be dealt with in accordance with the England & 
           Wales Cricket Board's Disciplinary Model Rules which, except as otherwise agreed by a 
           General Meeting of the League, shall be deemed to be incorporated within this Constitution 
           and form part of the Rules and Playing Conditions of the League.
12.2       Fines
12.2.1     Subject to the provisions of the Model Disciplinary Rules, the following scale of 
           fines shall apply:
12.3.1     Breach of Disciplinary Rules by a Club: Level 5
12.3.2     Breach of Disciplinary Rules by a player: Level 3
12.3.3     Failure by a Club to keep a fixture for reasons other than weather: Level 4.  Any 
           expenses incurred by the opposing Club shall be met by the offending Club.
12.3.4     Failure to be represented at a General Meeting or Captains meeting: Level 3.
12.3.5     Failure to pay membership subscription, or other moneys due, by the due date: Level 3
12.3.6     Late start for reasons other than weather: Level 2
12.3.7     Failure to telephone a result: Level 2
12.3.8     Failure to post a completed result sheet: Level 3   Second failure for the same team in one season: Level 4   Third and subsequent failures: at the discretion of the Management Committee
12.3.9     Failure to reply to League correspondence within specified times: Level 3
12.3.10    Failure to advise a proposed change of venue: Level 3
12.3.11    Failure to provide a Ground Report: Level 3
12.3.12    Failure to provide a report on Umpires: Level 3
12.4       A fine shall be not more than the maximum amount prescribed by the following levels:
                Level 5 - £100
                Level 4 -  £30
                Level 3 -  £15
                Level 2 -  £10
                Level 1 -   £3
12.5       The Management Committee may from time to time revise these figures
12.6       Observance of penalties imposed by other bodies.
           Suspensions imposed by other organisations affiliated to the Hampshire Cricket Board 
           and to neighbouring County Boards shall also apply to the League.  Such organisations 
           will also be notified of and invited to apply suspensions imposed by the League.

13.1    Member Clubs shall advise the General Secretary of all changes of Club Secretary and of 
        Club information in the League Handbook, as soon as they occur.  They shall also deal 
        promptly with League correspondence.

14.     WINDING UP
14.1    In the event of the League being wound up, a financial statement of accounts will be 
        prepared and audited.  If these accounts reveal a deficiency, every Member Club at the 
        date of winding up and every Club which ceased to be a member within the year preceding 
        the date of winding up shall contribute equally to clear such deficiency.  If a surplus 
        is revealed, it shall be distributed in a manner to be decided by the Final General 
e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs