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South Coast Panel of Cricket Umpires

(for emergency use - always telephone 01962 623560 first)


In the event of inclement weather and the postponement of a fixture, the home club should notify the Umpires Appointments Secretary, Roy Harrison, on 01962 623560 (home) or 079 6718 8130 (mobile) as soon as possible. This, however, does not mean that decisions can be made early - play if you possibly can, particularly as matches can de determined over 25 overs.

Our thanks to Roy Harrison for supplying this information.






 Ian BAGSHAW 01329 845978 01489 556236 ---- E-mail him
 Roger BANNISTER 023 9278 0728 ---- 07889 540243 ----
 Philip BARNES 01329 823843 023 9254 7206 07718 806998 E-mail him
 Bryan BENNETT 023 9245 4640 023 9272 5005 07718 381108 E-mail him
 John BUCKLE 023 8073 4079 ---- ---- ----
 Alan BUNDY 023 8036 9984 01794 524447 ---- E-mail him
 Steve BUNN 023 8078 5466 ---- 07762 964086 ----
 Colin BURT 01425 654288 01425 654288 ---- E-mail him
 Peter CATTON 01329 281578 023 9228 4621 ---- ----
 John CHALLIS 01962 853442 023 8033 2631 07713 091539 E-mail him
 John COFFIN 01256 358126 01256 376266 ---- E-mail him
 Blue DAVIES 01264 798251 01264 798251 07855 561621 E-mail him
 Peter ELLAM 023 9267 3379 01276 696745 ---- ----
 Denis EMERY 01794 501030 023 8033 9992 07710 714843 E-mail him
 Alan EYRES 01722 412045 ---- 07765 833118 ----
 Roger FORDER 023 8046 2023 023 8061 2424 07977 114794 ----
 Brian GARWOOD 01202 761505 ---- 07761 952832 ----
 Barry GOUGH 01590 683529 01202 473555 07816 467705 E-mail him
 John GREEN 023 8057 7924 ---- ---- ----
 Dennis HALL 023 8073 5055 ---- ---- ----
 Roger HANN 01489 784979 023 8058 2661 ---- E-mail him
 John HARDY 01425 270152 01425 270152 07973 215559 ----
 Roy HARRISON 01962 623560 ---- 07967 188130 E-mail him
 Keith HAYES 01794 515288 01747 850276 0402 489020 ----
 Ray HOLYER 023 9279 6937 023 9272 7515 07710 215781 E-mail him
 Peter INGS 023 8045 4826 ---- 07900 924296 ----
 Mike IZZARD 01489 572203 023 9254 7777 ---- ----
 David JUKES 01962 885828 01962 887389 ---- E-mail him
 John KINSEY 01425 623761 ---- ---- ----
 David KIRK 023 8061 9920 ---- ---- E-mail him
 Brian KNAPP 023 8045 3534 ---- ---- ----
 David LAMBERT 01428 724534 01428 724534 ---- ----
 Tony LEADBETTER 023 8086 2178 01962 844800 ---- ----
 Jeff LEVICK 01962 620247 ---- 07990 767149 E-mail him
 Steve MALONE 023 8060 0428 023 8026 7444 07760 172376 ----
 Doug MARTIN 01256 329477 ---- 07967 481761 ----
 Bob MIELL 01425 615633 ---- ---- E-mail him
 Geoff MILES 01329 665363 07702 366572 07702 366572 E-mail him
 Brian PARDEY 01590 677653 01590 613705 07815 414105 ----
 Tim PARRY 01722 330623 ---- ---- ----
 David PECK 023 8046 4875 023 8024 7474 ---- E-mail him
 Adrian POOLE ---- ---- 07788 845895 ----
 Philip RATCLIFFE 023 8058 5830 01794 512319 07860 177726 E-mail him
 Christopher READ 01425 278127 ---- ---- ----
 Jeff REES 01962 732007 ---- 07899 897396 E-mail him
 Chris SAUNDERS 01243 372998 023 9233 6178 0410 871562 ----
 John STAINTON 023 9246 0497 ---- 07950 925999- E-mail him
 Paul TURNER 01256 351372 ---- 07710 386656 ----
 Peter TURNHAM 01202 823440 ---- ---- ----
 Brian WOOLLEY 023 9238 1645 ---- 07748 170817 ----

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs