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World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by Martin on 23 Feb 2003
Heads up boys, you continue to do us proud! Congratulations for posting this countries highest ODI socre! And Congrats to Davison for showing the rest of the world how to bat! Have fun in the rest of the tournament and I feel another win before it all is through.

Posted by Bob Platt on 23 Feb 2003
Please pass on many congratulations to John Davison on his spectacular innings against the West Indies from all his friends and former clubmates at Oswestry CC in Shropshire,England.Best wishes from all at Morda Road and good luck for the remaining games and his cricket career back in Australia. PS If he's not doing anything between May and September we might find a place in the 1st XI..

Posted by Steve Weisse on 23 Feb 2003
Just wanted to congratulate you all for making an excellent showing at this year's World Cup. As an American born cricketer, it does my heart glad to see fellow North Americans making steady progress toward respectability in the great sport of cricket. Your victory over Bangladesh was convincing, and your performance against West Indies was commendable. On behalf of the entire Tri-City Cricket club here in Schenectady, NY, we wish you all continued success and continued headlines on the world cricket stage!!!

Posted by Bill Starr on 23 Feb 2003
Very exciting living in Bermuda and watching Canada at the World Cup.. Keep up the efforts and many congrats on your inspiring play. 202 total against the Windies has my Bermudian, English, Australian and South African colleagues well impressed.

Posted by David Blasko on 23 Feb 2003
Originally from Duncan, BC., now living in East London, SA. We would like to congratulate John Davidson for his fantastic batting against the W. Indies today. (Feb 23). I and my family will be at the E. London Crictet grounds to cheer the entire team on against S. Africa on Thursday, Feb 27. Hoping to meet the team if possible for a cold beer after the game. Best of luck and enjoy your visit to South Africa David Blasko

Posted by Dave Kell on 23 Feb 2003
A Canuck now forever Down Under. I never watched Cricket because I thought the game itself sucked, & I didn't know Canada even had a team. NOW I love the game (watch all games) & love the team. Great work to all involved. A new cricket fan. ICC & Canada needs to give a little more respect to this team. Davison & Bilcliff are excellent. Keep making records...good & bad! Thanks Dave Kell PS. Where can I get a shirt (jersey) or team hat?????????

Posted by Zahid Suleman Atcha on 23 Feb 2003
My heartiest congratulations to the players and officials of the Canadian team on their historic victory over Bangladesh. I think this win is not a victory for a particular nation or country but an overall victory for cricket and help it grow globally. I have played Premier league cricket in Bangladesh and also have the honour of being the first Bangladeshi Under-16 captain of the first under-16 team in 1994. Migrating to Canada in 1996 I was dissappointed for not being able to keep up with my greatest passion in life - cricket. I hope that the results of the Canadian team recently will bring more people into playing cricket. This result will also inspire me to keep on continue playing cricket atleast on summer weekends. Once again congrats to the Canadian team and goodluck with the rest of the tournament.

Posted by Puja on 23 Feb 2003
I wish you the best! I'm behind you and India and (kinda England...well sort of) all the way. From all the cricket fans in Wales!!!

Posted by Madhawa Silva on 23 Feb 2003
Dear Team Canada. I am a Sri Lankan living in Australia and would just like to say how excellent it is to see a team like yours really giving it to the opposition. Please, do not be discouraged by an unlucky loss to Sri Lanka (despite the fact that i support them). I am loving the spirit you are playing with at the moment. 184/4 off 30 overs is an incredible total against a team which defeated South Africa. I'm rooting for you guys, keep up the good work.

Posted by Nick on 23 Feb 2003
To John Davison, that was one of the greatest knocks i've ever seen! keep it up canada, remember the success, not the game against sri lanka. good luck for the rest of the cup

Posted by Mark Urquhart on 23 Feb 2003
Hi,I'm from sydney australia just wishing your team good fortune throughout the world cup series and also congrats to John Davison on a brilliant ton against West Indies.It's teams like yours that show all of us how guts and determination can pull off great games of cricket against some of the big heavyweights.Keep up the great work.

Posted by Dave on 23 Feb 2003
Canada, Canada, Canada, Oi, Oi, Oi. I'm Australian and have not one gloating bone in my body, so I'm sending to the whole Canadian Cricket Team a play on the Aussie encouragement call often used at sporting events. Good to see you playing again - keep it going, and enjoy it all.

Posted by Dennis Rego on 23 Feb 2003
All the best for the match against the Windies. Tonight I shall be awake watching two matches that interest me, the India - Nabia game and the Canada - Windies game. Give it your best and hope for the best. GO CANADA GO. Dennis Rego, Vancouver

Posted by Glen King on 22 Feb 2003
To all the members of the team I wish you best of luck when you face the WI on sunday, as a big fan of the WI I would still like to see you'll do well. let us put Tri Lanka behind us and bounce back with a better performance on sunday. what the matter with N Ifill would like to see him in the line up on sunday.

Posted by Kasun. K on 22 Feb 2003
congratulation on the big win over Bangladesh. It takes a lot of time and a lot of experience to beat a country like sri lanka. i play cricket for my high school team. may be someday i will join the canadian team. until then keep the dreams alive.

Posted by Ed Nicholles on 22 Feb 2003
Way to go eh! Good luck in the rest.

Posted by Ann Andrusyszyn on 21 Feb 2003
Never mind lads! Just being there is great ... you're all there DOING it and not here watching. You're living the dream for many by being there to participate on behalf of Canada. We'll be cheering you on in the next one against the Windies. Good luck to every single one of you! Very best wishes, The Andrusyszyn Family (in Ontario)

Posted by Phil Dalton on 21 Feb 2003
Hi there guys, I am an Australian that was dissappointed to see you guys lose to Sri Lanka like that. This is not a message of comiseration however. This is a message to applaud you all. I have always had a respect for Canadians, especially for your spirit. I think that the most important thing in sport and life is to give it your best shot. Regardless of winning or losing if you have done your best, you can always hold you head high in pride. I notice that in every sporting event I see Canadians giving their all. They may not be winning, (really, who's gonna beat us in Cricket and Rugby) but there is never an air of defeat and the game is played with all heart until the final ball/whistle/hooter etc. So I say in closing that I slaute you and hope to see you guys trying hard again. Never give up and know that some of us are extremely proud of you all.

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