Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
2001 ICC Trophy


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World Cup qualifiers!

Posted by Uncle Dave Billciff on 10 Apr 2002
To Ian Billcliff, Congratulations on making the world cup team for Canada, all your Christmas Island family will be following your progress with great interest. On looking at your average on the recent Americas Cup Competition we can only hope that your average is better on the 27 April when you will be batting on a much stickyer wicket. All the best for your wedding sorry we cant be with you. Keep in Touch. From Barney, Jules, Avin, Foot, Kim and the boys.

Posted by John Head on 2 Nov 2001
Congratulations to the Canadian team for their great performance in qualifying for the 2003 world cup. It was nice to see some decent media coverage at the time. For the most part the sports media in Canada treat cricket as some quaint old fashioned game with incomprehensible rules. They have no idea just how big cricket is on the international scene and its up to all cricket loving Canadians to change this situation. I hope we will get live TV coverage in Canada - cricket coverage here is still very limited.

Posted by Daniella De'brissac on 29 Oct 2001
Just wanted to congratulate your team for being the best looking team in the world (2nd to England of course!) And i would like to ask if you could give my address to Ishwar as i could never contact him after we met in Sri Lanka, i hope it is no bother - Address is Miss D.D.De'Brissac C/O AJD, 31 Shiley Gardens, Barking Essex IG11 9UZ England Thanx guys, take care, God bless xxxx

Posted by Kanwar on 28 Oct 2001

Posted by Megan on 25 Feb 2002
Well done and congratulations Team Canada!! I am an Aussie and also a huge cricket fan who will hopefully be at the World Cup to see you play. All the very best for a great World Cup and hearty congratulations on your efforts in the ICC Trophy! WELL DONE TEAM CANADA!! From an Aussie and Canadian cricket fan... Megan

Posted by Char Dhami on 21 Feb 2002
congratulations to Canadaian Team and coaches for quailing in the World cup. Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be more exciting if I will get a change to play for it. I am not jocking I am good at it. cheers Dhami Calagry

Posted by Yasir Kamal on 19 Mar 2002
i am very happy to see canadian team in world cup. best of luck in worldcup.

Posted by Craig Dawson on 17 Feb 2002
G'Day, Congradulations to the Canadian Cricket Team. As an Australian, i have always said that for cricket to survive it must grow globely and i'm excited that less known countries that play cricket get a chance to play with the top teams. I would also like to see touring teams include countries such as Canada, America, etc in their schedule. Anyway, good luck and enjoy yourselves Craig

Posted by Char on 18 Mar 2002
Congrates guyes, All the team mates and the members. Good luck for the world Cup. You need more good players come visit Calgary. There are few Talented players. Contact char 403-568-2535

Posted by s.suresh on 16 Mar 2002
go canada go

Posted by Mark van Rensburg on 13 Mar 2002
To Joe Harris and the rest of the team .. CONGRATULATIONS. I was in Canada for two years with Action Cricket and know how unlucky the team was to qualify for the last World Cup. I will be watching all the Canadian games (above SA games !) and hope to see some of my old friends. CONGRATS AGAIN. Mark van Rensburg

Posted by Bobby on 1 Feb 2002
Congrats Sanjayan Thuraisingam! Do keep in touch we moved to Auckland. Our contact info 5/43 Mariri Road, One Tree Hill, Auckland, New Zealand Regards to Padman, Aunty & your little sister.

Posted by Thomas McGill on 26 Jan 2002
Severely belated I know, but congrats on your qualification for the World Cup. I think the key focus for Canada must be to ensure the 2003 World Cup is not a footnote in cricket history to go along with 1979. Canada has already qualified for one World Cup, and has a sufficiently large supporter base to support the game. Canada must ensure the development of new players, for the 2003 World Cup and beyond of sufficient quality to at first compete with, and eventually defeat top class opposition. Remember that 20 years previous to the next World Cup, a bunch of chicken and tobacco farmers with red caps where shaking in their boots at facing the likes of Lillee and Thompson. Now they're hosting World Cup matches...

Posted by TRACEY LEIGH ARMSTON on 18 Jan 2002

Posted by Vaughan on 6 Jan 2002
Congratulations Team Canada, I am in Adelaide, Australia. The part few years I have been interested in Cricket outside Australia. I am very happy for your Country for making it to the world cup in 2003 in South Africa. I hope you will beat us the Australian Team because I am just a bit geting tied of us beating all the teams we play. All the best to Cricket in Canada and Congratulations.

Posted by Josh on 6 Jan 2002
To the Canadian Cricket Association, While it is good to applaud the short-term success of Canadian cricket you still need to look to the future. The only way Canadian cricket can progress is to play the test nations and be competitive. I have seen the fixture for the 2003 world cup and found that we are not even playing the world champions (Australia). One would think playing them is imperative for both experience and exposure. I recommend applying to the Australian cricket board for a place in one of their tri-nations series, this way we can compete on the world stage against quality opposition. Even if we were unsuccessful imagine what we could take away from it. If you want sponsorship you need to show everyone that you can be competitive to ignore this fact is detrimental to the Canadian cricket cause. Josh

Posted by arjun.k on 24 Dec 2001
congrats I wish you all the best for the 2003 wc . Hope you guys do well there . arjun.k ,chennai,india

Posted by Sanya Rambally on 12 Dec 2001
Congratulations to the Canadian team! You guys did a great job qualifying for the world cup and I hope you guys do an ever better job in 2003! Ish, you know I am your #1 Fan and I'll be the one with the big red shirt in the stands!! CONGRATS!!

Posted by Robert Attfield on 27 Nov 2001
Coming from a country who is a full member of the I.C.C (New Zealand),I think your achievement(to qualify in the I.C.C 2003 World Cup of Cricket)is really marvelous because it is good to see new teams play cricket that I've never seen play before.I know that Mark Billcliff qualified to be in your squad as he has played for my home provincial side(Otago). I would also like more information on the history of cricket in Canada,players/player lists,etc and any other information that you might think I'll be interested in. I would suggest to your squad that to prepare adequately for the World Cup they should try to get some financial backing to tour countries that are full members of the I.C.C such as New Zealand,Pakistan,Australia,India,and other countries that you wish to travel to. Congratulations! Yours Faithfully, Robert Attfield Avid cricket fan. P.S:If it is possible,could you also send information to my postal address as I rarely have the time to go on the internet and check my email? Robert Attfield 23 Marslin Street Alexandra,9181, Central Otago, South Island, NEW ZEALAND. THANK YOU!

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Date-stamped : 27 Nov2002 - 13:15