Pakistan Blind Cricket Council Pakistan Blind Cricket Council Pakistan Blind Cricket Council
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Honorable President & Chief Executive,
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Sub: Re: Re: Request for Financial assistance for the 2nd World Cricket Cup for the Blind December 2002

Respected Sir,

In reference to letter No. PBCC/02/187 dated: 01/09/02, and PBCC/02/211 dated: 20/09/02 in which Pakistan Blind Cricket Council requested your kind for financial assistance for 2nd world cricket cup for the blind December 2002, India, but doomed to failure to get any optimistic response.

Pakistan Blind Cricket Council has already requested several times to the Federal Sports Minister, Governor of Punjab, Pakistan Cricket Board and to numerous Multinational and National Companies to financially support the deserving visually impaired, but always discouraged. (Their pessimistic responses are also attached).

Respected Sir, Only 39 days has been left behind in the inauguration of 2nd World Cricket Cup for the blind 2002, but PBCC still hasn't received any grant.

Respected sir, visually impaired is also the natives of Pakistan and so called special persons but treated as third-rated citizens.

In Pakistan you are the supreme authority, and if your kind honor didn't care about the visually impaired then who takes care, if you are not sympathetic to us then tell us to whom PBCC request for financial assistance.

If PBCC may not able to participate in the Forthcoming World Cup, then it would be a great disaster for the Blind Cricket players as well as to PBCC, and there will be no option left then to finish off this great cause for the blind, and will also create an adverse impact on Pakistan repute on world level.

Your kind honor is requested to sanction the grant of RS.=10,17,800/- to overcome the expenditures of the 2nd world circket cup from PRESIDENT'S discretionary funds. (Expenditure testimony is also attached)

PBCC is optimistic that your kind honor will not leave PBCC in the lurch by throwing the request in the bin.

Very truly yours,

Agha Shoukat Ali,

World Cup Cricket for the Blind



Pakistan Blind Cricket Council Pakistan Blind Cricket Council