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KSCA Diamond Jubilee

Rules & Regulations :

  1. Name of the Tournament:
  2. The Tournament shall be called KSCA Diamond Jubilee. All India Invitation Tournament for Coromandal Cement Trophy.

  3. Participation:
  4. Participation in the Tournament is by Invitation. The number of teams to participate shall be decided by The Karnataka State Cricket Association.

  5. Conduct of the Tournament:
  6. The Tournament is conducted by the Karnataka State Cricket Association Diamond Jubilee Tournament Committee.

    The draw dates and venues as decided by the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding on the participants.

  7. List of Players:
  8. The Competing teams shall furnish a list of 13 players and the manager before the commencement of the tournament to KSCA.

  9. Stay:
  10. KSCA will arrange stay for the players of the visiting team for the 14 members for the duration of the match and one day before and one day after.

    The visiting teams have to bear their travel expenses and transportation from the place of stay to the ground and back.

  11. Laws of Cricket:
  12. Except as here-in-modified altered or added to the laws of Cricket (1980 code, II edition as amended) shall apply in all matches.

  13. Duration of Match:
  14. The matches shall be of 3 days duration with 6 hours of play on each day.

  15. Hours of play:
  16. 09.30 am to 12.00 noon   First Session
    12.00 noon to 12.40 pm   Lunch
    12.40 pm to 02.40 pm   Second Session
    02.40 pm to 03.00 pm   Tea
    03.00 pm to 04.30 pm   Third Session
    (On the last day play will commence at 9.15 am)

  17. Numbers of Overs:
  18. All matches will be played with a restricted of 90 overs in the first innings and 40 overs in the second innings.

  19. Turf / Matting Wickets:
  20. Matches may be played on turf or matting wickets. Players are requested not to use boots with spikes while playing on matting wicket.

    Turf wicket will be covered during and after the game to protect against rain.

  21. Drinks Interval:
  22. One drink break limited to 5 minutes in each session of play is permitted. Drinks shall not be taken unless game has been in progress for one hour or within 15 minutes before next interval or close of play.

  23. Delayed start / Interruption / Completion of Overs:
  24. If the start is delayed or if there is interruption due to weather conditions play shall be extended (on the first and second day) for a maximum period of one hour beyond the scheduled close of play provided the light is fit for play in the opinion of the umpires, In matches where play has commenced on time and the team fielding has not completed the allotted number of overs, play shall be extended for a maximum period of one hour beyond scheduled close of play to enable them to complete the overs.

    However on the first and second day, if an innings ends or if there is a declaration within the scheduled hours of play, play need not be extended.

    On the last day play shall be extended till the result is achieved or the required number of overs have been bowled provided the light is fit for play in the opinion of umpires.

  25. Field Restriction:
  26. There shall not be more than 5 fieldsmen on the on side, at the instant of delivery through out the match and not more than two behind the popping crease. In the event of infringement, umpire at the striker's end shall call and signal "NO BALL"

  27. Restriction on the number of overs:
  28. There is no restriction on the number of overs to be bowled by a bowler.

  29. Calling of Wide:
  30. Normal wide rule will apply during the 1st innings & limited over wide rule will be applied in the 2nd innings.

    Note: If an umpire calls signals and signals "WIDE" the penalty of one run for "WIDE" will be scored plus any other runs which are scored or awarded also shall be scored as WIDES.

  31. The Bowling of fast short pitched balls:
    1. A Bowler shall be limited to one fast short pitched ball per over.
    2. Fast short pitched ball shall be defined as ball that passes or would have passed above the shoulder height of the striker standing upright at the crease.
    3. In the event of bowler bowling more than one fast short pitched ball in one over, the umpire shall call and signal "No Ball" on each occasion.
    4. The above regulation is not a substitute for law 42.8 which umpires are able to apply at any time.

    Note: If an umpires calls and signals any type of "No Ball" the penalty of one run for "No Ball" will be scored as well as any runs scored or awarded will be added to the score as the case may be.

  32. The Bowling of Fast High Full Pitches:
    1. A fast high full pitched ball shall be defined as a ball that passes or would have passed, full above the waist height of a batsman standing upright at the crease.
    2. Should a bowler bowl a fast high full pitched ball either umpire shall call and signal "No Ball".
  33. New Ball:
  34. New Ball in a match of 3 or more days duration:

    The Captain of the fielding side shall have the choice of taking the new ball after 75 overs on turf wicket and 50 overs on matting wickets.

    In calculating the number of overs bowled, an over not completed by one bowler and completed by another bowler shall count as one.

  35. Fitness of the Ground, Weather and Light:
  36. In case of rain the out field may be drained and dried to permit early resumption of play. no appeal shall be upheld by the umpires against the shadow of the stadium.

  37. Substitute:
  38. In normal circumstances, a Substitute shall be allowed to field only for a player who satisfies the Umpires that he has been injured or become ill during the match.

    However in very exceptional circumstances, the Umpires may use their discretion to allow a Substitute for a player who has to leave the field or does not take the field for wholly acceptable reasons, subject to consent being given by the opposing Captain. If a player wishes to change his shirt, boots etc., he may leave the field to do so (no changing on the field) but no substitute will be allowed.

    Providing substitute Runner for batsman is discouraged and should be given only in exceptional circumstances.

    Fieldsman Leaving the Field:

    No fieldsmen shall leave the field or return during a session of play without the consent of the umpire at the bowler's end. The Umpire's consent is also necessary if a substitute is required for a fieldsman at the start of play or when his side returns to the field after an interval.

    If a member of the fielding side does not take the field at the start of play leaves the field or fails to return after an interval and is absent from the field more than 8 minutes.

    A Player who suffers an injury caused by an external blow (as opposed to an internal injury such as pulled muscle) and has to leave the field for medical attention may subject to the umpires approval, bowl immediately after his return irrespective of the length of time for which he has been absent.

    1. the player shall not be permitted to bowl in that innings after his return until he has been on the field for at least that length of playing time for which he was absent.
    2. The player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until in the aggregate , he has returned to the field and/or his side's innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he has been absent or, if earlier, when his side has lost five wickets.
    The restriction in (i) and (ii) above shall not apply if the player has been absent (a) arising of an external injury (b) or for exceptional and acceptable reasons and consent for a substitute has been granted by the opposing Captain.

    Note: In the event of a fieldsman already being off the field at the commencement of an interruption in play through ground, weather or light conditions, he shall be allowed to count any such stoppage time as playing time, provided that he personally informs the Umpires when he is fit enough to take the field had play been in progress.

  39. Mode of Delivery:
  40. Bowler is not allowed to bowl under arm. If a bowler bowls a ball under arm the umpire shall call and signal "Dead Ball". The umpire at strikers end shall call signal "No Ball", If a ball which the Umpire considers to have been delivered ;

    1. Bounces more than twice or
    2. Balls along the ground or
    3. comes to rest

    before it reaches the striker or if not otherwise played by the striker before it reaches the popping crease.

    If the ball comes to rest in such circumstances, the striker has a right without interference from the fielding side, to make attempt to hit the ball.

    If the fielding side interferes, the Umpires shall replace the ball where it came to rest and shall order the fieldsman to resume the place they occupied in the field before the ball was delivered.

    The umpire shall call and signal "Dead Ball" as soon as it is clear that the striker has made an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball. As a result of the above, Wide ball coming to rest in front of the striker is deleted.

    It is accepted that this wording is very lengthy, but is felt that it covers adequately the occasional problem of a bowler delivering a ball along the ground in order to prevent the possibility of a six being hit, without having to disallow any bowler from delivering the ball underarm. if this regulation accepted the question of whether or not a batsman can be caught after hitting the ball which has come to rest does not apply, since it would be a No Ball.


    If a genuine delivery bowled by a bowler is a shooter and skids along the ground and either hits the wickets or the batsman stands in the way of the stumps and gets the ball hit on the pads then such a genuine delivery from the bowler, the bats man will be out or gets bowled or given leg before wicket and the umpire at the bowlers end shall not call and signal No Ball.

    Also the batsman can be caught after hitting the ball as the umpire at the bowlers and shall not call and signal no ball.

  41. Helmets:
    1. Law 32.2 (e) shall apply, but add:-
    2. The striker is out under this law if the ball is deflected from his bat onto his own protective helmet and he is sub sequentially caught . runs may be scored off deflections from the batsman's of fielder's helmet.

    3. Protective helmets when not in use by the member of the fielding side, shall only be placed , if above the surface, on the ground behind the wicket keeper. In the event of the ball striking the helmet law 41.1 and 23.1 (f) shall apply viz., either Umpire shall call and signal "Dead Ball" and five penalty runs shall be awarded.
    4. Umpires are not to hold helmets.

    5. Batsman who choose to use helmet must wear (or carry) them all the time or have them taken off or onto the ground during normal breaks in play and avoid any time wasting.
    6. In all cases no actions involving helmets, are to waste playing time.
  42. Unfair play/(Lifting of the Seam):
  43. A player shall not lift the seam for any reason. Should this be done, the umpire shall change the ball for one of much infer or condition to that in use prior to the contravention. (Sea not (a) to Law 42)

  44. Cricket Balls:
  45. Cricket balls supplied by KSCA Shall only be used.

  46. Protest:
  47. No Protest shall be entertained by the tournament committee and the decision of the tournament committee on all matters in connection with the tournament with the tournament shall be final.

  48. Result:
  49. The Winners will be decided on the basis of two innings. If two innings are not completed, the winner will be the side which takes the lead in the first innings. If no decision can be arrived even after the first innings, the winner will be decided be the spin of coin in the presence of the umpires except in case of final, where both the teams shall be declared as joint winners.

  50. Committee's Power:
  51. All matters whatsoever not covered within these rules shall be decided by the tournament committee and shall be final and binding. All interpretation in regard to these rules shall be interpreted by the tournament committee whose decision shall be final and binding.

  52. Trophy:
  53. The winning team will be awarded "KSCA Diamond Jubilee ALL India Invitation Tournament for Coromandal Cement Trophy". The trophy should be returned to KSCA in good condition on the expiry of 6 months.

  54. Prize Money:
  55. The following prize money is proposed to be awarded:

    1. Winners : Rs. 1,00,000
    2. Runners : Rs. 50,000
    3. Man of the Tournament : Rs. 7,500
    4. Man of the Match upto Final : Rs. 3,000
    5. Man of the Match-Final : Rs. 5,000

Date-stamped : 01 Aug1999 - 15:12