Hong Kong Cricket Association
Hong Kong Cricket Association



2002-03 Season - HKCA Perrier Sunday League Fixtures
home -> archive -> 2002-03 season -> sunday league -> fixtures by round

Perrier - sponsors of the 2003-04 Saturday and Sunday LeaguesView fixtures for Round:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Rescheduled

View fixtures By Round or By Team

(Note: Home Team shown first.)

Key to grounds: MR = Mission Road, KCC = Kowloon Cricket Club, HKCC = Hong Kong Cricket Club, PKVR = Po Kong Village Road

Round 1 - 26.01.03 (Rescheduled)
  • Scorpions v LSW (HKCC)
  • Pakistan Association v Infidels (PKVR)
  • Templars v Optimists (To be rescheduled)
  • Vagabonds v Sunday Merchants (MR)
Round 2 - 22.09.02
  • Infidels v LSW (KCC)
  • Optimists v Pakistan Association (HKCC)
  • Sunday Merchants v Templars (MR)
  • Vagabonds v Scorpions (PKVR)
Round 3 - 29.09.02
  • LSW v Optimists (MR)
  • Templars v Vagabonds (PKVR)
  • Scorpions v Infidels (HKCC)
  • Bye – Pakistan Association, Sunday Merchants
Round 4 - 06.10.02
  • Sunday Merchants v LSW (PKVR)
  • Vagabonds v Pakistan Association (MR)
  • Optimists v Scorpions (HKCC)
  • Infidels v Templars (KCC)
Round 5 - 13.10.02
  • LSW v Vagabonds (MR))
  • Templars v Pakistan Association (KCC)
  • Sunday Merchants v Scorpions (PKVR)
  • Optimists v Infidels (HKCC)
Round 6 - 20.10.02
  • LSW v Templars (MR)
  • Scorpions v Pakistan Association (HKCC)
  • Vagabonds v Optimists (PKVR)
  • Infidels v Sunday Merchants (To be rescheduled)
Round 7 - 27.10.02
  • LSW v Scorpions (MR)
  • Pakistan Association v Sunday Merchants (PKVR)
  • Optimists v Templars (HKCC)
  • BYE – Infidels, Vagabonds
Round 8 - 10.11.02
  • Infidels v Pakistan Association (KCC)
  • Sunday Merchants v Vagabonds (PKVR)
  • Bye – LSW, Scorpions, Optimists, Templars
Round 9 - 17.11.02
  • LSW v Pakistan Association (MR)
  • Templars v Scorpions (KCC)
  • Vagabonds v Infidels (PKVR)
  • Optimists v Sunday Merchants (HKCC)
Round 10 - 24.11.02
  • LSW v Infidels (MR)
  • Pakistan Association v Optimists (PKVR)
  • Scorpions v Vagabonds (HKCC)
  • Bye - Templars, Sunday Merchants
Round 11 - 08.12.02
  • Optimists v LSW (HKCC)
  • Sunday Merchants v Pakistan Association (MR)
  • Vagabonds v Templars (PKVR)
  • Infidels v Scorpions (KCC)
Round 12 - 15.12.02
  • LSW v Sunday Merchants (PKVR)
  • Pakistan Association v Vagabonds (MR)
  • Scorpions v Optimists (HKCC)
  • Templars v Infidels (To be rescheduled)

Round 13 - 05.01.03

  • Vagabonds v LSW (MR)
  • Pakistan Association v Templars (PKVR)
  • Scorpions v Sunday Merchants (HKCC)
  • Infidels v Optimists (KCC)

Round 14 - 12.01.03

  • Templars v LSW (KCC)
  • Pakistan Association v Scorpions (PKVR)
  • Optimists v Vagabonds (HKCC)
  • Sunday Merchants v Infidels (MR)

Round 15 - 19.01.03

  • Scorpions v Templars (HKCC)
  • Infidels v Vagabonds (KCC)
  • Sunday Merchants v Optimists (PKVR)
  • Pakistan Association v LSW (MR)
Round 1 - 26.01.03 (Rescheduled)
  • Scorpions v LSW (HKCC)
  • Pakistan Association v Infidels (PKVR)
  • Vagabonds v Sunday Merchants (MR)
  • Templars v Optimists (To be rescheduled)

Rescheduled Fixtures - 02.03.03

  • Infidels v Sunday Merchants (MR)
  • Templars v Optimists (KCC)

Rescheduled Fixtures - 09.03.03

  • Templars v Infidels (KCC)

Rescheduled Fixtures - 16.03.03

  • Templars v Sunday Merchants (KCC)