Shaun Udal Benefit 2002

Shaun Udal's Benefit 2002

Udal Welcome to the Shaun Udal Benefit 2002 Web site. In here you will find all there is to know about "Shaggy the Man himself", and how you can support his events, contribute to his merchandise, or just look in at whats happening. Please keep visiting us again and again ..

Shaun Udal Benefit Year

Main supporters Acclaim Entertainment

If you would like to make a donation,
or enquire about a function please contact the benefit office:

Contact: Clare Britten, Shaun Udal Benefit Office,
Dummer Down Farm, Dummer, Hampshire RG25 2AR
Tel: 01256 397008 e-mail:

The workers, the Benefit committee and others

Click on any of the links below and transport yourself into the bones of the site ..

Whilst you are in another page, you can always return to this spot by clicking on "home" on the left hand blue side bar ..

Join Shaggy's team and Pledge for wickets
Shaggy the Man - Articles on Shaun
Statistics on a full career
Pictures of Shaun and Benefit events
Functions - Join in the fun and support the benefit
Brochure and Merchandise

Message from Chris Evans, Benefit Chairman

UPDATE - 1st May:

Well, one-third of the year has already gone, and we have all enjoyed the 5 major events that have been organised to date. The Launch night (deVere) was a great start, Boxing night (Café Royal) was a knockout, Valentines Ball (Hilton) was a "loving" evening, Southampton Dinner (St Mary's) was extremely well supported and the Gentlemen's Evening (Basingstoke Rugby Club) was not without its surprises.

The whole point of this year is to repay Shaun's loyalty to Hampshire, and at the same time to have a really good time - organising events where people can show their gratitude to him and have a lot of fun.

With Cricket already having started at The Rose Bowl, the upcoming months are focussed "outside" in anticipation of good weather. Many events are getting oversubscribed, so please book early to save being upset. You can view the Functions and Events from the LINK on the side box.

My thanks go to the organisers of the events and to the hard working committee and benefit office, who are doing a stellar job.

Summer Well

Chris Evans

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