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Portsmouth Cricket Club II
Founded 1988

Portsmouth Cricket Club
President Mr. Geoffrey Elderfield
Chairman no chairman ...
Secretary Chris Moon
43 Military Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5LS
Tel: 023 9266 6655, e-mail Chris Moon
League ECB Southern Premier Division Three
Colours Blue and Gold
Ground St Helens Field, Eastern Parade, Southsea, Hampshire
Tel: 023 9283 7283
2nd XI Captain Andy Pitts
301 Highbury Grove, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 2RW
Tel: 023 9238 6251
Treasurer Tony Baker
6 Netley Mansions, Southsea, Hampshire
Tel: 023 9283 1901
Fixture Secretary no fixture secretary ...
Other Contacts Tim Jacobs 023 9232 4252
Geoffrey Elderfield 023 9273 3300

Portsmouth Cricket Club run:
1st XI E.C.B. Southern Premier League Divison 1
3rd XI Hampshire League Regional Division 1 South
4th XI Hampshire League Regional Division 3 South-East
5th XI Hampshire League Regional Division 4 South-East
SundaysTwo sides
ColtsUnder 9, 11, 13, 15
(both South East & East Hampshire League)

First-class cricketers who have played for Portsmouth CC (& South Hants Touring Club)
James Allan (Otago), Jon Ayling, Liam Botham, Andrew Dindar (Gloucestershire & Middlesex), Kevan James, Matthew Keech, Rajesh Maru, Laurie Prittipaul, David Rock, Lee Savident.
Ground Details: (for 1st and 2nd XIs)
St.Helens Field, Eastern Parade, Southsea - Tel: 023 9283 7283

Leave M27 at junction 13, continuing on A27. Take first exit (signposted Portsmouth and Southsea). Proceed south down Eastern Road and continue to follow signs to Seafront. Immediately before Seafront, turn right into Eastern Parade - Ground is 400m on left.

Potted history of Portsmouth CC

Portsmouth Review 2001 (Written by Chris Moon)

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs