Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by Patricia Hinds on 23 Jan 2003
Best wishes to the Team. Enjoy the experience. Would the World Cup matches be available to viewers in Edmonton. I'd hate to miss the matches

Posted by QAsim Anwar on 23 Jan 2003
Dear CAnadian team people. wazzzup? i was suprise to read that says u guys r going to be on the world cup.. i willl look forward to you guys playing. i will watch all of ur cricket matches n i think u guys r goin to go to the world cup. it will be so cool when u guys will be in the world cup. i will hope to look at ur matches. goood luck guys stay high Qasim

Posted by Rubayat Rahman on 22 Jan 2003
Hay guys Good luck on your first match with Bangladesh and rest of the matches with other country, I am getting confused about your first match with Bangladesh cause I am from Bangladesh and i have to cheer for both team at same time.I hope that match end up in draw..hhehhhehe. But make make sure you guys beat the other country so bad that they can'nt look you guys up in the eyes...hheee(again)sorry if I made you mad with my comments ..please forgive me and wish you all the best In World Cup 2003. We here Cricket fans in Canada support you all the way to the end. bye Rubayat

Posted by Pramod on 22 Jan 2003
Gentlemen, I am very proud proud fo you and looking forward to your participation in the World Cup. Best of Luck and don't forget to enjoy this opportunity.

Posted by Danny Majdanac on 22 Jan 2003
I'm currently working in Asia and find myself learning about the game of cricket for the first time. I never even new we qualified for the World Cup until I got here! Now that I'm being exposed to the game of cricket I must say that I'm very impressed with the teams effort in qualifying for such a major event. No matter how you do in your matches, be sure to know that you are not only making your country proud but also creating a lot more awareness of the game. You've created one more fan in myself and I'll be cheering the team on. Good luck in South Africa and maybe cause a shock or two while your there!

Posted by D patel on 20 Jan 2003
HI I wish you very best luck for your world cup tournament in south africa.

Posted by Justin Aeir on 20 Jan 2003
i just wanted to say how much of an inspiration you have been for me. i watch every match with anxiety and cant wait to see the world cup! i love u guys soooooo very very much! you make my life brighter and happeier! thank you for everything you have done. I have all of your photos! a dedicated and loving fan, Justin

Posted by sri on 17 Jan 2003
go canada go! we all are supporting you with all our heart and soul. return with the cup!!!!!!!!

Posted by Fawad Rahat on 17 Jan 2003
Make us proud!!

Posted by Asad Paracha on 17 Jan 2003
Hi best of luck for the world cup!!! You'll do well. I'd love to watch you play. How can I do that sitting in Toronto on TV. Is there any channel that you know of? Again, best of luck. I am supporting you. Asad

Posted by ice-skater on 17 Jan 2003
Good Luck to Team Canada in South Africa. I hope you dont confuse any balls for pucks!

Posted by vanderwert on 16 Jan 2003
The Bloomfield Cricket Club from Winnipeg, wishes all of you guys the very best in the world cup 2003. We are proude of you guys and we know that you will make Canada proude too.

Posted by Matt Newman on 15 Jan 2003
Congrats on making it to the cup, guys. Although I will (of course) be supporting my native Australia, it's great to see that Canada is back on the cricket scene. Where you go, that special Canadian-Australian bond of "shoving our culture in the face of the Yanks for a change" will go with you ^_^ While we know Canada will not win, I hope you get as good a finish as you possibly can, and I hope Canada becomes a regular cricketing fixture...

Posted by Daryl Howard on 15 Jan 2003
All the best to you in the World Cup. I moved to New Zealand from Canada and I am looking forward to your match against NZ.

Posted by A. Scott on 10 Jan 2003
All the best for your World Cup Tournament. I am a currently living in Cape Town, S.A. so if there is anything I can do to help while you here please let me know.

Posted by chanveer on 10 Jan 2003
Good luck god bless u guys

Posted by pushpaharan on 9 Jan 2003
It nice to see canadian team in world cup. i love cricket. i'll support canadian team in the world cup.. i wish u the best luck for winning world cup.

Posted by Ali Kullo on 9 Jan 2003
On Behalf of The Toronto Police Cricket Club we wish the team a safe trip-free of injuries . We are proud of you lads and I am sure each and every one of you will do your very best and cherish the long lasting memories of playing in the world cup-Good luck

Posted by Charles Hardy on 8 Jan 2003
Iwould like to give all my best wishes to the Canadian Test team in South Africa.Good Luck.One other note how does a cricket supporter like myself purchase a cap like the Canadian test is wearing. Please get back to meThank you

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