Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by Debbie Linden on 31 Jan 2003
Dear Cricketers, Despite being an Aussie through and through, I'm bloody sick and tired of our cricket team winning everything in sight. So C'mon guys give it all you've got and beat the Aussies.....and as you say in Canada "I'll be rooting for ya" UP THE CANUCKS!!! Regards, Debbie

Posted by Peter Moore on 31 Jan 2003
Groing up in Canada I knew nothing about cricket, after moving to Australia I have fallin in love with the game. Good Luck Boys, Go get em..... I hope to play for Canada one day as well. Don't forget to beat the Kiwi's

Posted by parathan on 31 Jan 2003

Posted by Yasar Saffie on 30 Jan 2003
Hello everyone, my name is Yasar Saffie. I hope the Canadian Team will do the very best they can do to their ability. I was very surprised when Canada made it in the world cup. Congratulations. I hope this will lead for higher heights in the future such as a test cap and more. I just wanna give my support to the canadian team. Just remember when u play international cricket u represent ur country and the FUTURE OF CANADIAN CRICKET. Good luck!

Posted by Paljor on 30 Jan 2003
I wish entire team Canada a lots of good luck and a sucess. I am happy that now I have a team to call proudly mine and cheer for it. GO CANADA GO

Posted by Ben Tan on 30 Jan 2003
I would like to wish the Canadian cricket team every success in the World Cup, South Africa. I was recently in Singapore and saw a feast of one day matches on TV there from the Australia-England-Sri Lanka series. Canada will be in tough, but I know you lads will give it your best. You have our whole-hearted support! We are rooting for you. PS Hope TSN will show the games, like they did during the last World Cup in Britain.

Posted by Helena Brookes on 30 Jan 2003
I am the sister of Davis Joseph and I will like to extend best wishes to the team.Play well and make Canada proud. Regards Helen

Posted by Naeem Choudhry on 30 Jan 2003
Very Excited to see our Canadains down at South Africa. God bless our team.

Posted by Shoeb on 30 Jan 2003
Dear Players, We know that all of you are in South Africa at this moment making our country proud. Even if you guys loose all the games it really does not matter because you guys are cricketing idols for everyone in Canada, like Tendulkar is for India. Anyways, we are sure you will win the cup. Good luck to everyone and Mr. Barry Seebaran.

Posted by Deepak Sant on 30 Jan 2003
All the Best Guys.... Cheers, Deepak

Posted by Kim Krett on 30 Jan 2003
Good luck gentlemen at the World Cup. I will be following your efforts in February. Once again good luck and congrats for qualifying for the WCC.

Posted by B Singh on 30 Jan 2003
Hi guys, hope you are having fun in your preparation for the big event. I know everyone think that you don't have much of a chance against these professionals. Well, I disagree, these guys are marginally better, with a little bit of luck & a committed total team effort, you will surprise a team or two. Give it your best shot. We are all pulling for you.

Posted by Peter Buscall on 30 Jan 2003
G'day from Sydney, and best wishes to Canada in the World Cup in South Africa. I've been very impressed by John Davison's play in Australia this summer, and hope that he, along with the rest of the Canadian team, plays well, enjoys the experience and has some success. Good luck, and I hope this is the start of big things for cricket in Canada into the future. It's a beautiful country and I wish them well. Cheers, Peter Buscall

Posted by Ben on 29 Jan 2003
Go Canada! I am originally from the West Indies, and I am happy to see Canada in the world cup. Everyone I know in other countries seem to take Canada very lightly in this competition --- I tell them: who knows? no one thought that Senegal and South Korea could make it to the final 8 of the football world cup, so don't count Canada out of the Super Six. Finally, Canada's team is diverse in culture --- it is like a world all-star team (Tamils, Pakistanis, West Indians, etc.) so it represents Canada very well!

Posted by inderjit sigh gill on 29 Jan 2003
good luck guys play hard don't loose heart even in hard times

Posted by Jay Thurasingham on 29 Jan 2003
Hi Jay: Hope everything is going well in South Africa - it's gotta be warmer than it is here! Good luck, we're all rooting for you. The Events Team Sara, Kelly and Reta

Posted by Megan on 29 Jan 2003
Go Canada. You guys have made it this far you may be the underdogs but no matter what happens you are Canadians and we are proud of you!! Show the world what we're made of! I'll be in South Africa cheering on my team! See you there. Cheers boys! Good luck. Megan

Posted by roy adams on 29 Jan 2003
as a canuck living in britian i wish you guys all the best,but other teams have grave concerns.who will you back,icc or players?

Posted by Mike Stroud on 29 Jan 2003
I ordered tickets to the Canada/West Indies match (Feb. 23rd in Pretoria) for my son and I this morning! I'll be suporting you guys from the stands! Good luck! Mike... a Canadian living in South Africa

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