Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
2001 ICC Trophy


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World Cup 2003

Posted by Tony Bartl on 7 Feb 2003
Hi guys,I live in Brisbane Australia. I used to live in Victoria B.C and played with Albion.Please say hi to Graham Mahabir & Alan Carter. Good luck boys,im very proud of you & Illwatch every game. GO CANADA! TONY.

Posted by Girish Patel on 7 Feb 2003
GO Canada GO, May be Cricket is not as famous as NHL, NFL, CFL or NBA and may be this is a time to shine and be on TOP and show rest of the world and even many Canadain that Canada is the best in Cricket. You all are playing with no pressure this is the big advantage for Canadian Cricket team. Just play your game the way you have been playing you will be surprise what we all can do. And lets put Cricket the internation sport in Map of Canada. Good Luck, my best wishes with you all. I think oposite team might need more luck, becuase I know you can do it. I always like to be underdog. Have fun.

Posted by Darren Spier on 7 Feb 2003
Congratulations on getting to the world cup. My name is Darren Spier I am an Edmonton born Australian cricketer and I played in the BCCA for the Castaways in 1995. All the best for the games ahead of you, hold your catches and don't let any of those bigger cricket nations bluff you. You are as good as them, be positive and act like a team of winners!!!

Posted by Alan Thomas on 7 Feb 2003
Although one of the monnows, i would like to wish the Canadian team all the best for CWC 2003 and hope they can cause the odd upset. I would also like to advise the team and managemnt that in the event of acute injuries often associated with cricket, there are multi-place hospital-based hyperbaric oxygen facilities in south africa that can provide recognised therapy to assist in the rapid recovery of injured players. Should this be of interest we would be pleased to provide additional medical and logistics information. Please contact me at the following address: Once again good luck. Best Regards, Alan Thomas

Posted by Chris Roach on 7 Feb 2003
Smack the seams off, and bowlers rip through the orders of all your opponents. Keep your heads up and remember that you're doing Canadians proud, and letting the world know that Canada's on the cricket map o' the world. As a Canadian in Perth and a cricketer for my first season, I can tell you you're making noise here and I'm excited. Go Canada!

Posted by Jey Nesarajah on 7 Feb 2003
Good Luck guys. I saw you guys play hard at the ICC trophy championship to grab a place at this event. Now is the time to show the world that Canada deserves a cricket team and to show the Corporate Canada that they missed a golden opportunity to sponsor this team. I know you guys won't let us down. Have fun and cherish the experience. Even a single win will go a long way. But whether you win or loose we will support you all the way.

Posted by Ragen Dhori on 7 Feb 2003
Good Luck over there boys ,make us more proud,we would be supporting you guys all the way.........

Posted by Dennis Rego on 7 Feb 2003
Best of luck to Joe Harris and the other members of the Canadian team. I have recently moved to Canada from India and look forward to Canada doing well and winning at least one match. My family and I will be rooting for Canada and India. GO CANADA GO.

Posted by Tony Bartl on 7 Feb 2003
Hi guys,I live in Brisbane Australia. I used to live in Victoria B.C and played with Albion.Please say hi to Graham Mahabir & Alan Carter. Good luck boys,im very proud of you & Illwatch every game. GO CANADA! TONY.

Posted by Kieran Gelfand on 6 Feb 2003
Go Canada Go! Good Luck on the 11th and throughout the tournament. It's very exciting to have a squad at the World Cup...Show 'em what you're made of!

Posted by travis fourie on 6 Feb 2003
just a short note to say good luck.i will be at the durban game in full cheer.remember that you are representing the future of cricket in our country. travis fourie vancouver b.c

Posted by caroline and jo on 6 Feb 2003
Good luck in your first game! We miss you Ash and JD!!xxx

Posted by Tom Wilson on 6 Feb 2003
Good luck in the World Cup! I'm a new Cricket fan from Deer Lodge, Montana, USA. I'll follow your progress on the web. Go Canada!

Posted by Scott on 6 Feb 2003
Dear Team Canada, We may not win it all, but we are putting Canadian cricket back on the map. Dont forget the losses, but learn from them and remember the wins. We will be pulling for you all the way, no matter what. Even long shots make it.

Posted by Tamsin on 6 Feb 2003
Hi guys, All the best for the tournament. I'm a kiwi/Canadian living in Halifax - very cricket-deprived at present, and will follow your progress & be cheering for you (yes, even against NZ). Tamsin

Posted by Ian Duggan on 5 Feb 2003
Dear Canadian Cricket squad, good luck for all your games in the world cup! As an ex-pat kiwi in exile in southern Ontario, i am totally supporting you guys in all your games... except maybe the one vs New Zealand. Please make sure you do well against Bangladesh and Kenya in particular, and try your best against the rest. Beating the oft fickle West Indies is even a chance, so stay positive! In particular, good luck to Ian Bilcliff - make me proud to be a New Zealand-Canadian! regards, Ian Duggan, Windsor, ON

Posted by John on 5 Feb 2003
good luck guys and do us proud when you put on that maple leaf

Posted by gill on 5 Feb 2003
Guys, good luck in the world cup! I know there are alot of people doubting you but as a cricketer myself i know that you will play to win and do your best! Good Luck Chumney, i reckon your gonna have a screamer! I'm rooting for you! x

Posted by Matt Snare on 5 Feb 2003
Heads up boys - you have dusted off the cob webs now, so dig deep and show the world what you are truely made of. Everyone at Franklin Templeton Investments is cheering for you. Jay mate - in Aussie terms it is time to "snap" especially against Bangladesh, so make sure you get some under the rib cages of those guys. All the best Canada Matt Snare - Tasmanian / Canadian

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