Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by nigel browne@beer sales dept on 11 Feb 2003
all thebest on your tourto the desmond chumneyfrom everyone in buckleyswish you goodluck.and we all here for you and the

Posted by Joe P on 11 Feb 2003
Just finished watching the win over Bangladesh! Congrats! You make us all proud with the display of what sports is all about! Enjoy the win, you all deserve it!!!!

Posted by Sally on 10 Feb 2003
I'm Australian, but I'm in Canada at the moment. I'm going for you guys! Come on, show the arrogant Aussies what you're made of! Best of luck...from the snowy climes of Ottawa.

Posted by Stephen Kendall on 10 Feb 2003
As an Englishman living in the UK but married to a Canadian I want to wish the Canadian Cricket Team a great world cup. It's great that you are part of all of this and looking forward to you beating Bangladesh! Go get'em!!!!!

Posted by Nicola Standen on 10 Feb 2003
I'm not much of a cricket fan. But I am Canadian and I'd like to send a message of support to the team. Just the fact that Canada is participating has sparked an interest for me and I'm slowly learning the game. Canada is behind you, guys!!

Posted by Nathaniel Jeffries on 10 Feb 2003
I'm a Canadian currently living in the UK, and a good thing too, or I probably wouldn't have known you guys are in the World Cup! Have a great tournament, enjoy yourselves, and do us proud. Good Luck!

Posted by Gaitrie Maharaj on 10 Feb 2003
I am Ishwar's Trini cousin Gaitrie - now in the Caymans. Please pass on my congratulations and best wishes to Ishwar and the team for their first match tomorrow. All the best and God speed! We're rooting for you guys. Ishwar - go out there and do your stuff!! Love, Gaitrie

Posted by Richard Jones on 10 Feb 2003
As a Canadian expat living in Perth Western Australia, I would like to wish the team all the best in the World Cup. Once you get past Group B, could you do me a favour and crush the Aussies? Cheers guys - onya!

Posted by Shelley on 9 Feb 2003
As a Candain Expat living in the UK, I've only recently become intrested in Cricket. I just want to say that I'll be rooting for you guys. All the best and hope more Canadains discover what a great game it is.

Posted by Alan and Laurie Brown on 9 Feb 2003
Go Canada Go we will watch your progress with our Kiwi/Cunak support We hope you Go well especially against the AUSSIES Beat the pants off them If you get that Far Have a Great Tornamemt Alan and Laurie Brown

Posted by Debasish Datta on 9 Feb 2003
Good luck boys...Give it your best...This will be an invaluable experience for you so don't quit even when the chips are down - the next generation of Canadian cricketers need a never-say-die squad to look up to for the future...

Posted by Howard petrook on 7 Feb 2003
To Team Canada. All the best from your fans at the Toronto Cricket Club. Our thoughts are with you. Enjoy the experience and be proud of your achievements.

Posted by Mayank Bhatt on 7 Feb 2003
Congratulation - GO GUYS GO

Posted by lucas gaunson on 8 Feb 2003
hello, im an australian currently staying in canada, and just love the place, i play cricket back in sydney, play A grade for a little sydney club and just hope that cricket here is promoted well, and that canada helps this by a really big showing in a game against one or more of the major cricketing nations. best of luck!

Posted by Cricket Fans In Windsor ON on 8 Feb 2003
Go Team Canada!!! You've made it this far, with little help from the rest of Canada. We only wish we could hear/see coverage of your games. Fly the Maple Leaf High and try not to melt in the Southern Heat and Humidity!!! Maybe CBC Sport will see what a great game this is "EY"!!!

Posted by Mark on 8 Feb 2003
I am proud to see Canada represented at the World Cup here in South Africa. I hope that this exposure will be the driving force behind making cricket a more recognized sport in my native Canada. Boys, do our country proud and win a few games for us Canadians living here in South Africa, with the hopes that this will propel you to the forefront of International One Day Cricket. Good Luck!!

Posted by Gopi on 8 Feb 2003
Sanjayan Thuraisingham You might remember me ... I grew up with you in Pioneer Colony in Madras .... I wish you and your team all the best for world cup ... I am very proud off you... you always had it in you....been telling evryone in australia about and how proud i am off you....Jonathan is here aswell...he sends his best wishes...Please contact me through my email if possible...will love to get in touch with you. Best wishes Gopi

Posted by Dori on 7 Feb 2003
See you boys next week in Cape Town Will try bring along a cheering section. Have fun in Durbs and enjoy the humidity . We are freezing here in the great white north .

Posted by Mohsin on 7 Feb 2003
Its a superb chance for this team, u can make a difference in canadian cricket history by winning mere 1 or 2 matches and get one-day status, I hope u`ll show better game.

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