Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by Jeremy Nirmal on 12 Feb 2003
Congratulatons to the whole team on your win over Bangladesh. I am a boy in the United States from Madras and I am extremely happy since all of you have achieved so much. You guys are just like me. Uniting to play for the love of the game but all from different parts of the world. Keep up the good work and I wish youluck when you face all other nations.

Posted by Traddie on 12 Feb 2003
I would like to congratulate the team on creating history by giving Canada its fist ever World Cup victory. Job well done “Dread”, excellent bowling spell. This was truly a great effort. The gang from Hardball sends their best wishes and support to the team, you’ve made us proud.

Posted by Raheel on 12 Feb 2003
Great job, guys! We're (Canadians) really very proud of your accomplishments!

Posted by GE on 12 Feb 2003
Team Canada- we salute you. Congratulations on a fine victory against Bangladesh centred around outstanding team fielding and bowling. Canada with very limited financial support and without vital preparation outdoors because of our winter, beat all odds! Canada has very great potential, has the ability with some support to move ahead to join the other Commonwealth countries in top order cricket. congratulations Team- keep up the good work. continue to lay the foundation for solid grassroots growth and development.

Posted by VIJAY PATEL on 12 Feb 2003
I congradulate all members and player on thier big victory over Bangladesh. Let get, afst baller Ashish Patel on the action on the next match with Kenya. Good luck and enjoy the games.

Posted by James McCreath on 12 Feb 2003
I'm extremely proud to be a Canadian cricket fan today!! Indeed, it is the biggest win in Canadian Cricket history. Keep going lads!! James McCreath from Calgary

Posted by Loretta Orford on 12 Feb 2003
To the Canadian Cricket Team Congatulations on your win against Bangladesh. Its great to see other countries playing and having ago against contries who have been playing cricket for a long time. All the best with the rest of the tournament. Maybe we will see you playing in Australia in the future. From an Aussie fan. Loretta Orford

Posted by thilina kanchana on 12 Feb 2003
congratulations guys!!!!!! We are so proud of you! Everyone here might not know that you won but there still are fans who are thrilled about your victory. You guys really deserved it! I'm orriginally from Sri Lanka and I remember the times when Sri Lanka were the whipping boys of the big wigs in cricket. Wish that Canada will make that road to glory in the years to come. Once again congratulations, and good luck for the next games!

Posted by SANJAY BANGALORE on 12 Feb 2003

Posted by Philip Cantelon on 12 Feb 2003
I told that friggin J.C. you guys were going to do it and you did. Super 6 Super 6 GO CANADA WE ARE PROUD!!

Posted by Brendan O'Brien on 11 Feb 2003
Hey guys... I visited Canada in 96 from Australia where I live. I know a lot of Canadians and kinda see it as my "second" country. I'm also a cricket fanatic and am watching as much of the World Cup as possible. Unfortunately because of the different pools the only chance Australia will play Canada is if both teams make the Super Sixes. God, I'd love it if you guys could do that... Anyway, best of luck, and congratulations on your great win over Bangladesh yesterday. Keep hitting sixes!

Posted by Faheem on 12 Feb 2003
Nice to hear that keep it up hard works ,, and there are hopes u guys can do it ... make it till super six.. "Canada Rulez in the FUTURE"

Posted by Ghazan Iqbal Awan on 11 Feb 2003
Dear Dr.Edwards and crew, Congratulation on this historic victory in the world cup. This is the result of your hard work and efforts. Pls extend my best wishes to the team and all your mates for this achievment. Best of luck for the rest of world cup. Ghazan Iqbal Awan 0797 424 0074 Birmingham UK

Posted by Alan Rugman on 12 Feb 2003
Canada's wonderful cricket team makes all Canadians proud, wherever we live. Congratulations on an historic victory. Well done Joe Harris and everone else involved with the team. Well done TCSCC and all the other teams playing cricket across Canada.

Posted by Shaun P McNamara on 12 Feb 2003
Congratulations to all the Canadian Cricketers! Way to go, Eh!!! Now for a short request... Please support the Zimbabwean people and cricketers by wearing black arm bands for the remainder of the tourney. It is important to play there though guys because the people of the country need to know that the international community has not deserted them and that we are on their side. Despite Englands political view, we need to stand up for what is right. So please do what is in every good person's heart and support the Zimbabwean Cricketers, your fellow sportsmen, by wearing the black arm bands and speak out against the atrocities! Sincerely, Shaun McNamara...A Very Concerned, yet Proud Canadian!

Posted by Scott Sinden on 12 Feb 2003
Well done to the guys out there in South Africa. i was very pround watching them play. It was great to see such a great team sprit. And with that some great bowling which kept the pressure on. Again well done, keep it up. Go Canada!!!!!!!!

Posted by shafiq on 12 Feb 2003
hi my name is shafiq and played first class crikcet in paksiatn right now i am in canada ,,,and wishing canada good luck againdt kenya,,,as canada beat bangladsh,, did canada got ODI staus by beathiung them ,,,if not ,,i hope they beat kenya ,,to get the ODI staus

Posted by Murray and Karyn Jacklin on 12 Feb 2003
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From a Canuck cricket fan living in Australia. Friends of mine have given me heaps but now they have egg on their faces. What a win!! Now for Kenya. Austin, well done! A five wicket haul at any level is something to be proud of, but at World Cup level is simply an awesome feat! Many players would be envious. We don't get alot of info down under regarding the Canadian cricket team, I suppose it's sort of like the Australian National Ice Hockey Team. Again, well done Team, many congrats and my toast to you with a $20 imported 6 pack of Canadian! Cheers, Muz.

Posted by Mike Whitmarsh on 11 Feb 2003
YOU stand on guard for we! Congrats.

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