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World Cup 2003

Posted by Jey Nesarajah on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations to Team Canada. They fielded exceptionally well and bowled pretty good to win the first World Cup match in Canadian History. Everyone in Canada should be proud of what the team accomplished today given the odds against them. Keep up the good work and wish you all the best in the rest of the games of the tournament.

Posted by Sunil Bowry on 11 Feb 2003
My heartfelt congratulations to Canadian Cricket team on their first and historic win over Bangladesh. A country where Ice Hockey is revered, we have shown to the cricket world that determination, concentration, perseverence, fun and team plan can stage major upsets. Congratulation again my brothers on your major upset, you have done a splendid job and msde all Canadian proud. I am truly proud to be Canadian. Go Canada Go. Good Luck with rest of the tournament. All the best from a fan in Dawson Creek BC Canada.

Posted by John & Glenda Billcliff. on 11 Feb 2003
Well done to the Canadian cricket team on a great victory in your first World Cup 2003 game. You are top of the table with your other pool winners. You have more points than the Kiwis. You have made the news here in N.Z. Well batted Ian, we are very proud of your great effort for the Canadians. Congratulations to Cogrington & the other bowlers who defended your total well. There may not be too many other 5 wickets taken in this tournament. Your team work in the field was also commendable, keep it up. You can all hold your heads high after this great victory. May your team go from strength to strength. John & Glenda Billcliff, Ian's extended family & friends.

Posted by Tim Watkins on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on the Bangladesh triumph! You will be pleased to know that the Vancouver Sun has run two major articles on the world cup this week (from Reuters and AP), both with sidebars on the Canadian team. I am sure you will finally get some real press coverage from the win! Well done!

Posted by Brent Hodgkinson on 11 Feb 2003
Well done boys! Greetings from Adelaide, South Australia! Originally from Calgary, I am an avid fan of cricket and often see the RedBacks at Adelaide Oval. I love the game and think that Canadians would enjoy it (especially the one day game) if they had some exposure to it. What you have done is remarkable considering playing conditions in Canada. You should all be proud and know that there are Canadians like myself all over the cricket world who are rapped with this result. Godd luck the rest of the way! Cheers Brent

Posted by Carleton Dias on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on a fantastic maiden win at the WORLD CUP and ALL THE BEST for the remaining games, maybe we will win a couple more.

Posted by Gretta on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations from New Zealand on a fantastic showing against Bangladesh and all the best for making Kenya the next notch on the Canadian bat handle! PS: Could you maybe let us have Ian Bilcliff back on the days you're not using him...the Black Caps could sure do with his batting skills right now!

Posted by Steve Seale on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations Canada! I am an Englishman living in England and have not seen so much enthusiasm for the game in a long time. You showed the true Cricket spirit in troubled times. Once again thank you for a PROFESIONAL match,Good luck for the future. Regards Steve Seale

Posted by Bob Duncanson on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations, guys!! Keep up the good work. Despite the hockey, the game was reported on 680News (Toronto) and our local paper (Kitchener) has been putting in articles on the World Cup. You're getting better publicity now than you did in 1979. We're proud of you. Bob Duncanson, Kitchener

Posted by John Mychael on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on your win! Great stuff!

Posted by Irvin Morris on 11 Feb 2003
To Joe Harris & His Team, Great performance Joe and a Great Result for Canadian Cricket. Let this be just the start? Go For It. I don't know if you'll remember me but I was the Venue Manager at the ICC Trophy when you played at Ros Lord Park(Lower Ground). You kindly autographed an ICC Shirt and gave it to me. Any chance of a World Cup one to make a Super Pair??? Irvin Morris

Posted by Sakib on 11 Feb 2003
Great showing guys, it feels special and great to see you guys doing well in the first match and doing a great job. We are proud of you and we hope that you'll continue doing better.

Posted by Rahil Suleman on 11 Feb 2003
Great Match against Bangladesh, not to worry captain, your exploits are being followed out here, with or without Hockey! Congratulations and Good Luck in your next match. Lets continue the winning ways! Go Canada Go!

Posted by John Allan on 11 Feb 2003
I'm English with a great love for all things Canadian so I hope Team Canada have a great world cup. I've just seen the Bangadesh result so it's started out brilliantly - keep up the good work and go easy on the Aussies - they've just finished a hard series against England (!!!)

Posted by Jeffrey K. Mc Peanne on 11 Feb 2003
Well done Canada on winning your first world cup match. Show the cricket world what you can do, and hopfully you boys can pull off a couple more victories. Maybe then Canada may get test status and taken seriously as a cricket nation.

Posted by Mohamed S. Rahaman on 11 Feb 2003
GO CANADA GO..!!! We all are Proud of you GUYS. Keep up the good job... Lets kick some more ass.. Good luck...!!!!

Posted by Kieran Gelfand on 11 Feb 2003
Team Canada! Well done at Kingsmead!! What a great beginning...keep up the good work. We're all proud of you!

Posted by Ben Tan on 11 Feb 2003
Way to go, Canada! Great win over Bangladesh. All the best in the upcoming games.

Posted by Hemal on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulation to Canada for winning the First Ever World CUp Win. It was a Very good all round performance. Austin had done it again. Congratulation to AUSTIN for his Man of Match winning performance. Go Canada Go

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