Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
2001 ICC Trophy


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World Cup qualifiers!

Posted by PETER SEVITT on 27 Jul 2001
The fantasy of all cricketers is to play against the best in the world.This realisation has become fact for the elite players of Canada who will be playing against many of their heroes in South Africa in 2002.Players we watch on television,talk about over a pint will now be only 22 yards away. What a thrill for those players and vicariously for all cricket supporters in Canada. A tremendous performance by Canada against the odds.A credit to the coach and the players.

Posted by Bob Duncanson on 27 Jul 2001
Great show, fellows!! You made a cricket convert along the way. I took a friend to the Canada/UAE game who had never been to a cricket game. By the end of the game he was right into it and very excited by the successful nail-biting conclusion of the game. On the way home he said, "I could get addicted to this game!" Best of luck in Namibia in April and in RSA in 2003. We'll both be watching for the expected good results. Bob

Posted by John Stevens on 26 Jul 2001
Well Done Boys But the hard work has just started, if you don't want to look like fools come world cup time you will hav'to start climbing that mountain of skills Now. Good luck in Namibia, make the most of it live eat and breath Cricket all the time from now to world cup Good bye from Australia and Good Luck.

Posted by Salman Ali Khan on 25 Jul 2001
Awesome! I just recently migrated to Canada from Pakistan..and was finding it hard to realize the Canadian standing in the world of cricket...but...its just like a dream becoming a reality...CANADA IS GOING TO PLAY THE WORLD CUP!!! I am very happy on i feel that its not only Canadian team who will be going to South Africa.....could be me too!

Posted by Faisal on 25 Jul 2001
It's good to see the Canadian Cricket Team to qualify in the World Cup 2003. When will you make your first tour? One more question are you going to play in the World Cup in 2007? or your going to play again in the ICC Tropy.

Posted by mike and andrew mclean (Toronto) on 24 Jul 2001
What the team has achieved, players, coach and management, cannot be overstated in terms of what this is all going to mean in the months and years ahead, in developing the game in Canada and the Americas, so that parents can encourage their kids to be part of this great game. Well done Joe and colleagues.

Posted by Nitin Deshpande on 24 Jul 2001
Kudos to Canadian Cricket Association. Well Done, Congrats.....Keep it up guys. See ya at 2003 World Cup.

Posted by Farhan Farrukh on 24 Jul 2001
Well Done Canada! Thanks for the entertaining cricket in the ICC Trophy and a well deserved spot in 2003 World Cup. Finally, you have been recognized for your level of skill on the world stage, and your determination in a country where cricket is not a predominant sport. Goodluck in South Africa!

Posted by Janakan Someswarananthan on 24 Jul 2001
Congratulations!!! to the Canadian squad, job well done. All the best in 2003 World cup in South Africa.

Posted by Nikhil Antani on 24 Jul 2001
Entertaining cricket during the last game. A well balanced team.

Posted by devindra budhu on 23 Jul 2001
I would like to give an all-out congratulations to the Canadian cricket team for a great victory over Scotland to qualify for the 2003 Cricket's World Cup in South Africa,in the second sudden playoff finals to grab that third playoff spot.I knew somehow this Maple Leaf cricket team would for World Cup qualification rounds matches in cricket's biggest showpiece event.Once again I gave my fullest heartfelt congratulations to Canada to make to CRICKET'S 8TH WORLD CUP which will gonna be hosted by South Africa.KEEP IT UP CANADA from a wonderful cricket follower and a great lover of this sport. I DO HOPE CANADA SPRING SOME SURPRISES IN SOUTH AFRICA. Devindra Budhu

Posted by Ben Seebaran, President, British Columbia Cricket Association on 23 Jul 2001
Congratulations Team Canada on some fine efforts that made you qualify for World Cup 2003. Those of us who were there know that your best is still to come and hope that it will be evident in South Africa in 2003. Meanwhile, we will savour your success, and remember some explosive innings, some consistent and penetrative bowling and, off course, some thrilling finishes. As a team, you showed great character, poise and composure, in some difficult circumstances, and when you had to lift your game to a higher level, you did. Ontario spectators are also to be commended for their strong support of the team, as was evident against Denmark and against Scotland, both games that we had to win. Congratulations to the team, coach, and manager for a job well done.

Posted by Chris Begley on 23 Jul 2001
If anyone is interested in lobbying for funding or financial assistance from the government: the Hon. Denis Coderre, Liberal MP from Bourassa, is the Secretary of State for Amateur Sport. His email is Amateur Sport comes under the aegis of the Department of Canadian Heritage, and the Hon. Sheila Copps, Liberal MP for Hamilton East, Mail may be sent to either of them free of charge if addressed to House of Commons, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa ON, K1A 0A6.

Posted by Chris Begley on 23 Jul 2001
Too bad most of Canada doesn't know of your triumph. I have heard about your victory from Australians, Kiwis, Brits, but no Canadians. Good Job...

Posted by Kapil Raj on 23 Jul 2001
keep up yr good team work. all the best for 2003 n good luck. Kapil Raj

Posted by kumari ravindran on 23 Jul 2001
Congrats to the canadian team. Special congrats to Sanjay thurai. well done guys n Good luck for 2003. kumari, roy,anil n kapil

Posted by Richard Cox on 23 Jul 2001
On behalf of myself ,the 2000 MCC touring team and the Gibraltar Cricket Association I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in Canadian Cricket and the recent ICC Trophy . In particular to Jo Harris and all the team who participated your reward is a dream come true for most of us - to play with and against the best in the world - I sincerely hope the MCC team that visited the shores of Toronto and the rest of your beautiful country in some small way contributed to your recent successes and please do not hesitate to be in touch should we be able to be of further help - I doubt I will be allowed back as Captain but a manager / coach role would suit me fine ! Finally can I say that although as coach of Gibraltar we were vexed by our results the reception we received at all of the games was excellent together with the standard of pitches and admin -- well done and dont rest on your laurels you have the world of Cricket at your fingertips and its a credit to you Kind Regards Richard Cox

Posted by AMIT CHOUDHURY on 23 Jul 2001
YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS BBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSS, We knew we would've done it. I had a feeling even thoguh it was shaky in the beginning against the tough teams but the luck and prayers were needed for the big game... Congratulations To Mr. Harris and the whole team. Each player came from a cricket background and they love the game. We young guys sacrificed so much of our time for this game... Specially to me it was important.... How people say I shouldn't be playing cricket in a non-cricket country... but now they can't say it anymore... We young guys all have something to work hard for.... I am sure there will a great career in cricket as guys will get contracts in Canada and all over he world... Ashish.... excellent job big fella... it was in his room once I slept over their house "ICC TROHY 2001... Here I come" and not only he made it to the squad, but also to the world cup... WAY TO GO... We young guys all should learn form him... how to work towards a goal and dream and ambition .... A lot to learn form Sanjay's bowling... it will be remembered forever.... Congratulations to Jeff Thomas for all the inspiration in coaching.... and everyone who helped out takign their time off work and helped... your team made it.... Overall great job guys..... Now we hopefully we will surprize some big teams in the big show...

Posted by Andrew J Lee on 22 Jul 2001
Congratulations on making the 2003 world cup in south africa.The more nations playing cricket now means the more the game will be known across the wider world. All the best for what is to come.

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