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World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by Geoff Radnor on 12 Feb 2003
Go For It! Great Stuff, be prepared to beat England in the final! Hot News when the Temperature is only -26 C

Posted by Colleen Swords on 12 Feb 2003
Congratulations on a great victory. Looking forward to at least one more!

Posted by NYC Hoser on 12 Feb 2003
Well done, men! Even those of us not necessarily steeped in cricket tradition appreciate what you've done - spectacular result, we're proud of you, and it goes without saying that we're behind you the rest of the way. Your write-up on the World Cup page hints that you're not shy for celebrating, either, so have a couple for the fellas back home. Rock on-

Posted by Helen & John Vienneau on 12 Feb 2003
Good luck from your fellow Canadians at the Canadian High Commission, Pretoria!!!!

Posted by Canadian High Commission, Pretoria South Africa on 12 Feb 2003
Hey guys, GREAT JOB, we all saw the game and congrats to all. We're all following your progress and wish you guys the best of luck.

Posted by PAUL JOKHU on 12 Feb 2003

Posted by JAMES SUBRYAN on 12 Feb 2003
CONGRATS! Great work, well focused Skipper Joe,team,coach and management.Continue your dedication and good luck to all.

Posted by Jeff on 12 Feb 2003
As a typical Canadian who possesses a basic understanding of the game I must commend the entire team on the unbelievable effort you have put forth. KEEP IT UP!!!!! You certainly have done our country proud!

Posted by Jocelyn Hay on 12 Feb 2003
Bravo ............ we are so very proud of you ..........Our very best wishes for Saturday, 15th of February, we will be rooting for you .......... Cliff and Jocelyn

Posted by G. Brar on 12 Feb 2003
Bravo!! Congratulations on an outstanding victory!!

Posted by Craig Burley on 12 Feb 2003
A fantastic win! I was following the coverage on CricInfo and nearly went away when Bangladesh hit the century mark. Thank you for such a stirring win and hopefully this will spur better coverage of your progress the rest of the way and in the future. Good luck against Kenya on Saturday. I think I may have to watch on television for that one.

Posted by Mark Lyford on 12 Feb 2003
As a resident ot Toronto in the 90s and a keen cricketer here in the UK I would like to pass on CONGRATULATIONS to Team Canada on teh victory over Bangladesh. Make sure you make it 2 and 0 by beating Kenya. Where can i get one of the Canada Cricket Shirts? Mark Lyford Reading, England (formerly of Jones Ave, Toronto)

Posted by David Clark on 12 Feb 2003
Absolutely top notch work! I have become interested in cricket only in the last three years. Given the lack of coverage by the media, there is usually nothing to get excited about (because nothing is reported!). But I was proud that we had a team going to the World Cup and expected that with so many things working against you, that the fact of your participation would be the only opportunity for home team pride. BUT THIS! Absolutely just the best thing. An unexpected win - or routing - of a Test Match team is HUGE! Great job!

Posted by lion on 12 Feb 2003
good work canada keep it up I love cricket one day i'll be in cricket. I'm sure one day you will be winner of world cup

Posted by Brian Paul on 12 Feb 2003
Congratulations on a fantastic victory from a Canadian in Sweden.

Posted by ray on 12 Feb 2003
Congratulations on the victory over Bangladesh, a TEST nation! No TV here so I had to follow over the internet. The last few wickets were an agonizing wait but I was elated when Bangladesh were bowled out for 120. Terrific fight fellows. Let's see some more against the Kenyans!

Posted by Sam Monaghan on 12 Feb 2003
Way to go Canada ! Congratulations on a great and well deserved win. Sam Monaghan in London England.

Posted by glen king on 12 Feb 2003
congrat to the team on their first victory,we are all proud of your performance this team is going to put canada on the map.not putting any pressure on you'll but i have this team wining 3 games min. good luck the rest of the way.

Posted by Nicholas Noel on 12 Feb 2003
Go Canada! I'm sending this message to the team on behalf of my son Nick (his email address is above) who is over there in Vancouver on a working holiday and supporting you in the World Cup - I guess I'd better do so too - specially now Warnie has disgraced us Aussies. So from both of us, congratulations for thumping Bangladesh and...Go Canada! from Virginia Noel (Aussie mum)

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