Canadian Cricket Association

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Canadian Cricket Association

World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by David McGuffin on 27 Feb 2003
Great work boys. I can't say I have followed cricket much in the past, but I've been keeping tabs on you guys ever since the Bangladesh upset... and a huge congrats to Davison on the Century... People are taking notice of Canadian cricket, that's another first!! Keep it up!

Posted by Ron Smith on 27 Feb 2003
I send my best wishes, to the team and its coaches, during the balance of the tournament. I became an instant fan of cricket after witnessing three games during the ICC Trophy Tournament that was hosted in Canada, which included "our" team's defeat of Scotland, to earn a birth into the World Chapionships.

Posted by Dale Cleary on 27 Feb 2003
Hi everyone. I am an Australian cricket fan who has been enjoying watching Canada very much. Well done so far and good luck for the future. I am sure it will just get better and better. I look forward to seeing the team play in Australia in the future. All the best from Oz. Dale Cleary. PS. Great effort against SA, it was more like a drawer than anything else. Just terriffic !

Posted by Terrance & Philip on 27 Feb 2003
Most people I know say that your their fave team even though they're not Canadian! When its clear that everyone puts in 110% its hard not to be admired. Well done boys!!!

Posted by Kevin O'Toole on 27 Feb 2003
Congratulations on an outstanding effort so far during the World Cup! As a Canadian living in London, I have become a cricket fan and have watched, with great interest, both the current and previous World Cup tournamnets. Working in an office with predominantly West Indies and Indian colleagues, it has been great to see their reactions to the way Canada has played. Praise and great respect from everyone, especially after the West Indies match. I look forward to seeing Canadian cricket continue to grow. Let's see more Test-playing sides come over to Toronto and maybe even Vancouver!!! Well done once again! Kevin

Posted by Angus Watson on 27 Feb 2003
Hi im Angus Watson im 13 years old and i live in Sydney Australia.I have been watching the Canadian team on their world cup campiagn on tv.I have seen some real talent in the team,and im sure that Canada will achive test match status in the not to disstant future,good luck with the rest of the cup!

Posted by Brian Down on 27 Feb 2003
To have the rest of the country finally hearing a bit about cricket is wonderful. To have the world hearing about a Canadian cricketer born in Campbell River ... well that's too great for words. Thanks John, for making us proud. How about an autographed picture to hang in my high school class room so the next time a student asks me to explain cricket I can start with a hometown hero. Brian Down Campbell River Christian School 250 South Dogwood Street Campbell River BC Canada V9W 6Y7

Posted by Lars Erickson on 27 Feb 2003
I was in South Africa during the last world cup. I still remember the excitement as I watched South Africa vs. Australia in the semi-finals. That was my introduction tho this sport which I now love. In the streets of Phoenix, South Africa, I learned to play the game. My coaches were twelve year old boys who fielded like Jonty or bowled like Allan Donald. Thanks for representing Canada and sharing cricket with our nation. We are behind you and wish you luck, not only in South Africa, but in sharing cricket with Canada!

Posted by Dennis Rego on 27 Feb 2003
Wonderful showing Canada and specially Davison on his magnificent record breaking hundred. The game I miss the most after moving to Vancouver a year ago is Cricket and now I hope efforts will be made to popularize this wonderful game. I truly believe that Cricket moulds ones character and I would like my son who is now 6 years old to learn the game. If he was in India it would have been a foregone conclusion, but we need the game to be encouraged here in Canada. Congratulations to the entire Canadian Team and the Canadian Cricket Association on the truly magnificent performance of the team - Dennis Rego in Vancouver.

Posted by KIRAN(GUJARAT C C (QUEBEC)) on 27 Feb 2003

Posted by Sohail Ahmed on 26 Feb 2003
Wonderful wonderful.. I bealive canada should be awareded a one day status.. they played outstanding and are capabale of doing more. keep up the Good work BOYzzz. Davison extra congradulations.

Posted by John Stewart on 26 Feb 2003
I am a 17 year old cricket fanatic. I wish to congratulate Mr Davison on his magnificent 100. It was great to hear about it in Australia. Good luck for the rest of the World Cup to you and your team. In friendship John Stewart

Posted by Troy Nicholson on 26 Feb 2003
Congrats on your victory over the Deshis and i hope you can keep it up and join us in the next world cup.

Posted by Jack Pecina on 26 Feb 2003
Hi John Davison Your a legend mate. I really admire your attitude and your determination to give it your best. I can watch your 100 over and over again, its got Academy Award written all over it. Take care and give em your best Jack Pecina

Posted by Peter Buscall on 25 Feb 2003
G'day from Sydney, and congratulations to John Davison, and team Canada for a great display against the West Indies. It doesn't get any better than a record fastest century in the World Cup, and it was an outstanding achievement from a great player. I know I've been very impressed with his efforts over the last Australia summer, playing for the Redbacks, and I'm sure that he will continue to play well for a long time. Furthermore, it is good to see Canada improving with every match against the best competition in the world, and best wishes for your last two matches - play well!!! Peter

Posted by michael Cutler on 25 Feb 2003
Great to see your wonderfull play Cogratulations

Posted by Mostafa Kamal Pasha on 25 Feb 2003
Superb!Well done CANADA! Wish you more win guys, Keep trying.

Posted by R.SURESH on 25 Feb 2003
hi,iamfrom india I watch canadian team they best team in pool b.davison played a beautiful innings gus logi a good for the canada

Posted by Wilson D'Souza on 25 Feb 2003
Congratulations,you all as a team have done a great job. Individuals won't win matches in cricket it's the team with team spirit win matches. Well done and wish you all, best of luck

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