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World Cup
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World Cup 2003

Posted by PETER SEVITT on 11 Feb 2003
A truly suburb result.Against all the naysayers,including your own CCA guys,in a day night game you did us all proud. All the guys at The toronto Cricket Club are cheering on every ball.Now anything is possible.Just keep on believing and having fun

Posted by Alastair Jarvis on 11 Feb 2003
Well Done Lads!!!!!!!!!! You have done us all very very proud indeed! I'm inspired to find a cricket club here in Toronto and to support Canadian Cricket! We'll be lifting our glasses to you tonight!

Posted by Randy Greenhalgh on 11 Feb 2003
Way to go guys !!! Congrats on the big win. Keep it going and good luck against Kenya !!! Cheers Randy

Posted by John McIntyre on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on winning your first match in the World Cup. I never thought I would hear of a Canadian victory in such a wonderful sport. Now, if only we could somehow convince other cricketing nations to play more cricket with us ( preferrably at Brockton Oval in Vancouver, so I can watch ), get a few sponsors and maybe get the CBC to telecast the remaining games, it would be truly amazing. You guys have really done us proud, most in Canada may not know or care about this victory, but for some of us, this is a remarkable link to our past where cricket is king and we can say that Canadians CAN and WILL play world class cricket. Thank you. Johnny McIntyre

Posted by Dave Liverman on 11 Feb 2003
Well done Canada! A historic win and one that wil do wonders for the profile of cricket in Canada

Posted by A on 11 Feb 2003
Alright! So Canada won their first ever big league one-day international and that too at the World Cup! Good Work

Posted by Hugh Wm. Brodie on 11 Feb 2003
Bursting with pride would be the best description of how I feel about you guys. Beating a Test nation in Bangladesh is the greatest moment for Canadian cricket so far (who knows what you can do now)and by 60 runs!! Savour this tonight and enjoy yourself, then its off to Cape Town and Kenya. Great show and well done!

Posted by Gordon McKissock on 11 Feb 2003
CONGRATULATIONS!!!this is a fantastic result,we in scotland would have loved to have been there with you all,but you are there before us on merit.You have struck a substantial blow for 'the minnows'as we seem to be deemed.Good luck to you all for the rest of the tournament enjoy the experience,but most of all enjoy the party!! regards, kissy

Posted by Mayuresh on 11 Feb 2003
Give it your best shot boys. Canada is proud of ya. Congratz on the win against Bangladesh. 1 down 5 to go :-) Cheers !!! Mayuresh

Posted by Poz Dolby on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on a fine win against Bangladesh. I have followed your progress from the ICC trophey and I am honestly thrilled to here of your victory. Although I live in Australia and I am a passionate Australian supporter, I have a soft spot for your nation and cricket team. Again I say good luck to you and best of luck in the future. Success is what you make in working as a tight unit, always willing to back each other up and fight against all odds. Well Done.

Posted by Theva Soma on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations guys!! on the win over Bangaldesh. keep up the good work Rgs. Theva

Posted by Sarah Linhart on 11 Feb 2003
Well done Canada on your World Cup victory. If you meet England (my home nation) you'll probably notch up a second!

Posted by Bob on 11 Feb 2003
Go Canada Go!

Posted by Howard Petrook on 11 Feb 2003
Well done boys!!!! We are all very excited and proud of you. Let's beat Kenya now.

Posted by Anil Varma on 11 Feb 2003
A big cheer went up today in the office as news of your historic victory filtered through! Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Guyanese, Trinidadians, Russians ... all of us CANADIANS ... are cheering for you guys! Way To Go "Reds", Way to Go!!

Posted by Phil Nuttall on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on a Historic and Momentous victory over Bangledesh..........Best wishes for the reat of the tourney Phil Nuttall

Posted by Hankk on 11 Feb 2003
BRILLIANT!!! Congrats to the boys and special kudos to Austin!! Great victory!!

Posted by David Hakes on 11 Feb 2003
Good one guys! Buy Harris a Rum & Coke for me - or is that a Cane & Passion? Have fun. David "Hakesie"

Posted by Vijai Prabhudass on 11 Feb 2003
Congratulations on winning your first World Cup game against Bangladesh....

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